Chapter 11

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Today was the day; on this day Lady ILyanna of House Stark was to be wedded to Prince Gendry of House Baratheon and heir to the throne of Westeros.

ILyanna stared at herself in the mirror as her mother began putting winter roses in her hair, and ILyanna realized that she was quite looking forward to being Gendry's wife; he was a good man and would make a wonderful king and husband.

Looking over to the side of the room, she saw her two younger sisters sitting on her bed as they watched their mother work on her hair; one was smiling brightly at her, her face full of excitement for the day to come

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Looking over to the side of the room, she saw her two younger sisters sitting on her bed as they watched their mother work on her hair; one was smiling brightly at her, her face full of excitement for the day to come. The other was frowning miserably, fidgeting with her hair and dress, and she was obviously quite bored with all that was going on.

ILyanna was lost in though until she heard her mother speak, "There, all finished." Coming around to stand in front of her eldest daughter, Caitlyn Stark gasped, placing a hand over her mouth to stifle her choked sob "Oh my goodness, look at you. You are so beautiful, my little darling."

ILyanna smiled sweetly at her mother, "Thank you. Do you think Gendry will like it?" Her question had her mother pausing and smirk at her, "If he doesn't then he is the stupidest prince that ever lived."

Sansa jumped off the bed happily, "Oh Anna, you are the most beautiful bride I've ever seen. I hope I look just as beautiful as you when I get married." She told her elder sister as they embraced each other.

Arya also got off the bed and walk over to her mother and sisters, "You look so... girly." Arya finally settled on a word after having to think on it for a moment.

Sansa rolled her eyes at her younger sister's immaturity, while the two oldest Stark women simply laughed before Caitlyn turned back to her oldest daughter and reached out for both of her hands, "Now, tell me daughter of mine, how are you feeling?"

ILyanna gave her mother a wane smile, "I am quite nervous, but also very excited, and I feel as though a thousand butterflies have been set about in my stomach."

Her mother smiled warmly back at her and said, "Do not worry, it is normal to feel that way on your wedding day." Tearing up, Caitlyn pulled her eldest daughter into a tight embrace, "Oh my little girl is all grown up and will be leaving me soon. I am so proud of the woman you have become."

ILyanna hugged her mother just as tightly, "I love you mother." She whispered against her mother's shoulder.

Their moment was cut short by a knock at the door and a guard announcing, "It is Lord Stark, My Ladies."

Lady Caitlyn released ILyanna and wiped away her tears before answering, "Yes, yes, send him in."

The two youngest girls stood beside their mother and eldest sister as the door opened and Lord Stark appeared in the room. He looked at them all and smiled proudly, "Look at my girls, you're all so lovely." He told them before walking over to his oldest girl and taking her hand in his, "But you, you are a vision of beauty, my darling."

ILyanna smiled sweetly up at her father and gave him a curtsy, "Thank you father."

Lady Caitlyn clapped her hand together, "Alright time to go, come along girls." She said as she led to the two youngest girls out of the room, ILyanna and Lord Stark following them.

As the door shut behind them, Lord Stark took ILyanna's arm and slipped it through his own. Turning to her he asked, "Are you sure you're ready for this? You don't have to marry him if you're not ready."

ILyanna smiled at her father, "I'm ready for this, father. Besides even if I wasn't, the King has ordered this marriage take place, even you couldn't stop it." She told him.

Ned stopped them just outside the gate of the Weirwood tree, where the ceremony would take place, and turned his eldest daughter to face him, "I would fight the king himself for you, my little darling." He replied, leaning forward and placing a kiss on her forehead.

Letting out a small sigh, he stepped back and took her arm again, walking her to the tree.

As they came into view everyone turned to watch Lord Stark lead his daughter down the isle; the people staring at the bride in awe of her beauty.

Her uncle and brothers, all of them, grinned proudly as they watched their sister being lead to her groom.

The Lannisters sneered at the sight of the girl. Cersei's eyes filled with hate, Joffrey's with jealousy for his half brother, and Jamie's with lust.

King Robert stood behind Gendry and stared heartbrokenly at the young girl that looked so much like his dead beloved as she was lead down the alter to his son.

When Gendry got his first look at his bride to be, he couldn't help but stare at her in wonder. She was absolutely gorgeous. He couldn't keep his eyes off her as she made her way towards him.

When ILyanna and her father finally reached Gendry and the Septon, Lord Stark released her arm and placed on more kiss on her forehead before walking over to his wife and children.

The Septon cleared his throat before beginning, "You my now cloak your bride and bring her under your protection."

Gendry untied his cloak with the Baratheon sigil on it from about his shoulders and placed it around ILyanna, after which ILyanna positioned her hand atop his own as the septon tied a ribbon around their joined hands, "I the sight of the seven, I herby seal these two souls binding them as one, for eternity." He announces before telling Gendry and ILyanna, "Look upon one another and say the words."

ILyanna and Gendry both turned to face each other and recite the vows in unison, smiling at one another as they did so, "Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger, I am hers/his and she/he is mine from this day until the end of my days."

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