Chapter 10

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It was three weeks after the meeting between her father, her betrothed, and the King; and today the men were going out on a hunt for the wedding feast. ILyanna had begged and pleaded with her father to allow her to come along, but he had denied her request until the king butted in and told her father that if she wanted to go he should allow her to, god knows she never get to go on one again after she moved to King's landing. Finally her father gave his consent.

ILyanna was quite excited about joining the men on the hunt until her soon to be good-father informed her that he was placing a guard with her to keep her safe. She wouldn't have minded nearly as much if the guard hadn't been Jaime Lannister.

She didn't have anything against the king slayer personally, she just didn't like the way he stared at her, as though she was a deer and he a hungry lion. Prince Joffrey looked at her in the same manner. He had been quiet displeased when he learned that he was to marry Sansa instead of her.

Gendry had told her that when the younger prince was informed of their betrothal, he had thrown a little tantrum yelling and screaming at anyone unfortunate enough to enter his path. The queen had even tried to appease the boy by talking to his father about reconsidering the betrothal and letting Prince Joffrey marry ILyanna. But King Robert would have none of it; he wanted Gendry to wed ILyanna.

That was something ILyanna was very glad about. Not only could she not stand the young prince, but she was growing very much attached to her soon-to-be husband. In fact, the entire family seemed to enjoy Gendry's company.

Robb and Jon were always trying to get him into the practice field with them; Arya was still running around trying to get Gendry to teach her how to use a sword, and Bran and Rickon were constantly following him around everywhere he went. Sansa was the only one that Gendry had not spent a proper amount of time with, mostly because she was always with Joffrey or her young friend Jeyne Poole.

Even the dire wolves had grown fond of the eldest prince, although none of them more so that ILyanna's wolf, Alarik. If he was not with his master, then he most often could be found with Gendry.

ILyanna was interrupted from her thoughts by a knock on her door, "Enter!" She called, and the door swung open reveling Jaime Lannister on the other side.

He gave her a quick bow, "My Lady, are you ready to join the men?" he asked her, his eye roaming up and down her form sending chills down her spine.

ILyanna picked up her quiver of arrows and her bow, and nodded her head to the man, "Yes, I am ready." She was quiet nervous, being around him alone, but ILyanna refused to let it show.

Stepping out into the hall, they made their way into the courtyard where the rest of the hunting party is

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Stepping out into the hall, they made their way into the courtyard where the rest of the hunting party is. She could feel Ser Jaime's eyes on her the whole way there and it was quite unsettling.

Finally, after a considerable amount of time, he spoke, asking her, "Are you looking forward to your wedding, My Lady Stark?"

ILyanna turned and looked up at him quickly, before turning back and staring ahead, "Yes, I suppose I am. Truthfully though, I am still quiet a bit nervous about being the future queen. But, thankfully, that will not be happening anytime soon." She told him with a small smile.

The Kingslayer smirked and replied snidely, "Well with the way the king drinks, it could be sooner then you think. You will certainly make a lovely queen, My Lady."

ILyanna did not respond to his words but she silently agreed that the King was drinking himself into an early grave. Although she was hoping the king would last long enough to see his first grandchild. That should give her enough time to get used to the idea of being queen.

They finally made it to the court yard, and ILyanna could see her father and the King talking to one another, looking very serious. Off to the other side, Robb and Gendry were talking to her Uncle Benjen, Theon not too far away from them, so ILyanna decided to go speak with them while she waited for the stable boy to bring her, her horse.

Gendry was the first to see her coming towards them; he jumped off his horse and rushed towards her, bowing and giving her a soft kiss, first on her hand then a chaste one on her cheek. "Good morning, My Lady." He smiled.

ILyanna returned his smile with a bright, happy one of her own, "God Morning, your Highness." both staring at each other for far longer that necessary.

Gendry, finally noticing Ser Jaime standing behind his betrothed, gave him a wane smile, "Ser Jaime, will you be joining us this morn?" he asked him politely.

The Kingslayer gave Gendry a deep bow; though he had no respect for Robert, Jaime did have some for his son, "Yes, your highness, your father has charged me with keeping the future princess safe during the hunt." He replied as the stable boy brought ILyanna's horse over to them.

Gendry frowned at that piece of information but just nodded his head, walking over he helped ILyanna mount her horse before remounting his own just as the King called out, "Come on Boys, let's go kill some boar!"

ILyanna began following behind her brother and fiancé, but then looking back and seeing Bran standing there watching them leave, his dire wolf standing at his feet. ILyanna gave him a sweet smile and winked at him, before turning back and continuing on, Ser Jaime following closely behind her.

Gendry slowed his horse so he could ride beside her, "How are the wedding plans coming along, Anna?" he asked. He had begun calling her by her nickname the week before.

ILyanna gave him a sweet, happy smile, "They are coming along quite nicely. Everything is ready, just a few last minute adjustments to the dress."

Gendry grinned happily and reached over for her hand, bringing it to his lips for a soft kiss, "Just a few more days until I can call you my wife." He murmured against the back of her hand.

ILyanna had to admit, she was very excited about the wedding. Even though she didn't know her future husband as well as she would have liked, she was beginning to grow affectionate feelings for him. Dare she say she was growing to love him, "Yes, just three more days." She answered.

"Now," Gendry looked over and smirked at her, "Let's see how skilled you are with that bow, shall we?"

ILyanna gave him a wicked grin, "Oh trust me, Love, you can't keep up with my skills." And with that she kicked her horse into a gallop; riding away from him, her laughter trailing behind him. Gendry beamed and chuckled, riding after her.

Neither of them noticed the dark, jealous look being worn on the face of the Kingslayer as he watched them ride away.

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