Chapter 2

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ILyanna stood behind Bran with Jon standing next to her and Robb in front of them, she watched silently as the guards brought the deserter forward. They could hear the man murmuring to himself but could not make out the words he was saying.

 They could hear the man murmuring to himself but could not make out the words he was saying

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ILyanna sighed, "This is wrong, Bran should not have to see this." She quietly told her older brother, Jon.

Jon looked over at his sister and replied just as quietly, "Perhaps so, but father thinks Bran is ready, and these are his orders."

When the man stood in front of her father, he began speaking, "I know I broke my oath, and I know I'm a deserter. I should have gone back to the wall to warn them but... I saw what I saw, I saw the white walkers. People need to know." I man paused slightly, "If you get word to my family, tell them I'm a coward, tell them I'm sorry."

Ned gave a jerk of his head and the stark children watched as the guards forced the man to his knees and placed his head on the execution block as their father pulled out his sword and began speaking. "In the name of Robert of the house Baratheon, first of his name..." Jon leaned forward and whispered in Bran's ear, "Don't look away, father will know if you do."

"...Lord of the seven kingdoms and protector of the realm; I, Eddard, of the house Stark Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, Sentence you to die."

As their father raised his sword, ILyanna stepped forward to stand beside Bran. As soon as she did Bran reached out and grasped his elder sister's hand and held on tightly as his father brought his sword down upon the man and cut off his head.

Besides a little gasp, Bran didn't move at all. ILyanna looked down at him and gave a sad smile, "You did well, sweeting." She told him as she turned him around and the siblings all started back towards their horses. Bran nodded his head, but remained silent, still processing what he had seen.

Once they reached their horses, ILyanna was helping Bran fix the buckles in his saddle when their father walked over to them. She knew what her father wanted to speak with Bran about; he had had this talk with all of them at one point after they had first seen it happen.

She looked at her father and nodded her head respectfully before walking away and over to her brothers and Theon.

Theon was the first to notice her appearance, and smirked at her, "ILyanna, have I told you how... ravishing you look today?" He leered at her, his eyes solely focused on her bosom when her brothers weren't facing him.

ILyanna just sneered and pointedly ignored him.

Robb looked over at his younger sister, and then over towards Bran and their father, "Father is giving Bran the talk." He stated casually, causing Jon to also look in that direction. Jon nodded his head, "Bran did well, and he didn't turn away at all, unlike some." He smirked turning his gaze towards ILyanna and causing Robb and Theon to laugh.

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