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The airport is packed with tourists and locals that are going to travel from one place to another. Thankfully for Jennie, the Medias haven't found out about their trip because of how careful they are as they covered their faces with anything that still looks fashionable so that no one can notice them.

Between the awkward atmosphere once again, Namjoon instructed them a few things to remember when on the flight to Jeju and when they saw Lisa and Jungkook coming from one of the entrances, Namjoon immediately called them and told them to secure their disguises every time.

Jungkook and Lisa won't be doing their jobs while they're in Jeju because Jisoo told them to enjoy the vacation that they can have between their busy schedules yet they brought their cameras just in case they need to capture a very beautiful moment.

It's a vacation after all.

"Our seats are side by side but I got the seat next to the window. Poor you." Jennie walked towards Lisa to avoid having a conversation with her brothers and even teased the photographer for having the seat she knew Lisa would want.

"It's a business class so that's totally fine if you get to have the seat beside the window." The photographer shrugged, earning a slight smack from the older. The two of them both laughed at each other when Namjoon called them to check-in.


They got inside the airplane and they happened to meet Chaeyoung, her brother, and her brother's boyfriend in the waiting area. Unfortunately, their flights are different; they're going to board an hour later after Jennie and the others have arrived in Jeju.

"I'm guessing you haven't talked with each other since the argument." Lisa whispered beside her as both her and Jennie walked ahead from the other three. Jungkook even insisted her to always bring Jennie away from her brothers to avoid the awkward atmosphere and possible arguments.

"Namjoon's busy with the arrangements in the company and Taehyung doesn't really stay at home most of the time. I'm practically used to that." The model unconsciously linked her arms together with the younger's arms while walking together towards the airplane. The three boys behind them are somewhat quiet except for Taehyung and Jungkook who share small talks once in a while.

"I hope you can enjoy this trip as much as Jisoo always wanted you to." Lisa looked at the older intently that she almost slipped along the way. She was thankful that Jennie was holding onto her that much so she didn't even have to worry about falling on the ground.

She hopes that someone can hold her too from falling in love.

All of them boarded the plane and now they're ready to take off. Jennie was too focused on looking outside the window that she didn't notice the photographer staring at her.

Lisa didn't know when, when she did have these strange feelings inside her whenever the model was around. It's been months since they met at the bar and now their friendship is continuing to grow much stronger. The butterflies stayed on her stomach since then and now she's like an animal. But instead of being hungry for something that animals eat, she is hungry for love.

The romantic love she never had since birth.

She was way too focused at how her future's going to be and on how she can work harder to reach her goals. These works made her forget about love, but look at her now. Having a stable job as a photographer and staring at the most beautiful art she had seen.

The pilot announced that they're going to take off for real this time. Taehyung and Jungkook who were seated just in front of Lisa and Jennie felt excited but they kept on a relaxed expression on their faces. Meanwhile Namjoon was staring at his phone screen where Seokjin sent him a message just before they boarded the plane.

"Do you know that maze in Jeju?" Jennie asked the photographer without taking her attention away from the window. Lisa snapped to reality and she asked again if she heard things right.

"The what?" The model looked at her this time with a smile on her face. Jennie thought to herself that Lisa might've thought that she doesn't seem to notice that the photographer was staring at her for a while now.

"The maze in Jeju. I forgot the exact name but I've always wanted to go there."

"We can go there with Jisoo and Chaeyoung. I'm sure Seokjin won't mind."

"Playing for a bet would be fine too."

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