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Jennie was in her room, arranging her stuffs that she would be using for the whole week staying in Jeju. This will be the longest trip she will have so far, might as well enjoy it to the maximum level.

Seeing her friends around her with the calming beach just outside the house makes her forget all of the problems she have, the fear of having dreams haven't made its way to Jennie's mind either.

While stuffing her things here and there, she hadn't noticed that the sun already went down and the waves were all she can hear from her room. She left the sliding door towards the room's veranda open to let the fresh wind enter her room and join her while she's arranging her stuffs. She was too immersed at what she's doing that she hadn't even noticed that the noise coming from the downstairs weren't there anymore.

Jennie brought out her notebook from her bag and walked towards the desk just beside her bed. When she opened the empty drawer to put her notebook inside, it turned out that the drawer wasn't empty at all.

There were papers, and they vary from different colours and designs. The papers were folded and Jennie thought that maybe that those papers were just letters owned by either Jisoo or Seokjin.

She then moved the papers or letters to place her notebook beside it when she saw her full name hand written on the letter on the top of the papers. out of curiosity, she opened the letter and proceeded to read them.


I know that you're having a hard time dealing with your problems right now. I really wish that I can help in any way possible, but because of our overlapping schedules, I don't even have a time to pay you a visit or meet you in a nearby café.

Now that I have found a way to treat, comfort, or help you, I will make sure that I'll do my best as your best friend and as an unofficial sister. You should enjoy things that are with you right now. Don't let the same regrets wash over you again. The jendeukie that I know is strong!

I wish you a happy happy birthday and a good health and career. I also hope you can find your way towards your real passion.

Love, Jisoo.

Jennie placed the letters on top of the desk, sitting down on the chair beside her.


I am very glad that I happened to come back here in Korea for good just in time to celebrate your birthday. I really missed you so much and it's a shame that I can't say this in person to you.

As one of your childhood friends, I am very happy to see you being successful as you dreamt of when I was about to go and study in Australia. it's also a shame that I didn't had the chance to be with you along those times where you feel like there's no one beside you to comfort you.

I know how it feels to be alone, and I am thankful to Jisoo for being there for you, and now I am glad that you found someone that understands you the way she should be.

A good health and a more successful career was all I can wish for your birthday this year. I know for a fact that you can overcome your fears and hardships because I believe that you're a very strong girl. Once again, happy birthday!

Your Rosie

She folded the first two letters and instead of crying her heart out because of the surprise letters, she cracked up seeing that her full name was written on the whole back page of Jimin's letter for her.

Jennie Rubyjane Kim,

It has been years and you're still as small as I last saw you together with Yoongi at that time.

I am very thankful to you and I know that you know that, I wouldn't have grabbed the chance to join you here to celebrate your birthday. I and Yoongi were continuously going strong just as you wished when we celebrated our first monthsary, now we don't celebrate that anymore because we felt that it is more memorable to count years than months for a relationship.

Without you, I wouldn't be here with him to join you as you grow a year older again.

Promise us that you will find the love that you needed and we will be all here to support you no matter what, especially I and Yoongi.

And by the love that you needed that I mentioned, I meant that photographer that's Jungkook's cousin.

Happiest birthday to our small bean!

Christian Chimchim

Jennie Kim,

If Jimin had said anything ridiculous in his letter, I would like to apologize in his behalf and now I am being smacked because I wrote that with him beside me.

Words aren't enough to explain how thankful I am for your help. You played a big part on our journey to endless love. No, that's too cheesy for me to handle. Anyways, we will always be here for you. I hope you grow as the person you really want to be.

May this birthday be a happy one for you, happy birthday!



Two years have passed and our working relationship is going strong as well. Working with you was one of the things I really hoped when I joined your company as a photographer. I can see that you still have a long way to go and that you'll achieve your dreams in no time.

At first, I was doubtful about having my cousin as my substitute when I had to go to Busan. Yet, seeing that you two have developed a friendship in just a short time was amazing and I felt like I made a great choice.

She can be a little annoying at some point, but I know that she can take care of you in the future. I am now considering your brother's offer to be Taehyung's photographer and let Lisa take care of you in the future projects. We both know that this time would eventually come and that we can't work together forever.

I may not know what's going on between you and Taehyung, but I hope that you guys can talk about it and reconsider your life choices. I've only heard his side, and I am willing to listen to yours too to make a fair judgement, and that's only possible if you will allow me to listen to your story. I know that trusting people was one of the hardest things to do for you and so I will treasure that trust that you gave me.

Happy birthday to the best model in the world!


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