vingt et un

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"So, how are you?" Jennie was sitting alone on the rooftop of Seokjin's penthouse, frustratingly waiting for the others to find a way and solve the probably biggest problem they had.

The cool breeze was hitting her right in her face when she heard a voice from her behind.

She whipped her head to find Lisa walking towards her.

"I'm not really sure. Now that I've found out the truth, it seems like all the hatred that I've stacked throughout these years for the real killer have vanished into thin air."

Jennie looked back at the wide scenery in front of her.

Her feet were hanging dangerously at the end of the building yet instead of feeling scared, she felt the opposite.

"You're not scared?" Lisa asked again but this time, she's standing beside the older whilst staring below the building.

"Scared of what?"

"Scared of heights?" Jennie looked at the younger with a smile on her face. She saw how the photographer anxiously stepped forward to take a sit beside her with their feet hanging at the edge of the rooftop.

"Reality is scarier than that." The model sighed looking at her dangling feet.

"Taehyung called Jungkook a while ago before I came here. Seokjin insisted that he will hire the best lawyer and that he will be the one handling the whole problem. Taehyung said that the older really wanted to make it easier for the two of you." Lisa explained carefully whilst staring at the older to see her reaction.

Jennie felt nothing but gratitude towards Seokjin and it felt like a big pile of rocks had been lifted up away from her shoulders.

She may be somehow harsh towards the older whenever she teases him to her brother, but now she knows what Seokjin really feels for her brother.

"What do you think we can do to at least thank him for everything?" Jennie asked after a few minutes of silence.

The photographer looked away from the older to think, but there's only one thing that came to her mind.

"Accept him as your family? I guess? We don't know for a fact, but it's obvious that they're in love with each other." Lisa tried to explain the reason behind her answer and she suddenly asked herself different what ifs.

"What would be her reaction if I confess to her my feelings?"

"What if I can be as confident as Seokjin when it comes to my feelings?"

"Lisa. Lisa." Jennie called out the younger's name two times after noticing that she spaced out. She shook the younger's shoulder lightly to snap her into reality.

"I like you." The photographer blinked for a few times before realizing what she had said.

Jennie stared at her; visibly shocked at the sudden and unscripted confession from the younger. Butterflies were dancing inside her stomach and she could feel the hotness on her cheeks.

Both of them looked away; flustered.

"Guys, Jimin ordered pizza. Do you guys want some or am I interrupting something?" Chaeyoung stopped walking when she saw how flustered the two were when she reached the girls.

She's definitely interrupting something.

"You're not interrupting something. I'll go first to eat some pizza." Jennie stood up from where she was sitting before jogging towards the elevator.

When Jennie disappeared from their sight, Chaeyoung looked at the younger with her wide eyes. The photographer stood up and walked towards her, shrugging as she did so.

"What the hell did you do?" Chaeyoung asked. She has her arms crossed up to her chest while shooting questioning looks to the younger.

"I... confessed... unintentionally." Lisa scratched the back of her head while having a pout on her face. The older literally facepalmed in front of her; the frustration and disappointment significant as she let out a tired sigh.

"What did she say?"

Lisa remembered how flustered they were when she said those three words and none of them said something afterwards. The embarrassment finally showed up and flooded her whole body as she imagined the scenario they had a while ago.

"We both looked away from each other and then you came."

Lisa accusingly pointed at the older with furrowed eyebrows.

The wind is becoming cooler and Chaeyoung silently thanked the sky for cooling her boiling blood.

"It's my fault now, huh?" The older slowly walked towards the younger. Lisa immediately ran away from her and towards the elevator with the older following her from behind.

The door of the lift immediately opened and Lisa tried to close it before Chaeyoung could even enter and join her inside.


When Jennie came back down to join the others, she saw them gathering in the living room with two boxes of pizza at the center table. Jungkook saw her and called her to sit down on the empty space of the couch.

"Where are they?" Jungkook asked as soon as the model had taken her seat beside him.

"Rooftop." The model answered shortly before digging in the pizza in front of her.

Yoongi was busy holding his phone while his boyfriend fed him a slice of pizza, Jungkook was on his phone as well; probably waiting for an update from her brother.

"What... flavour is that?" Jennie looked up from the pizza to see the photographer standing in front of the lift; awkwardly looking at them with an awkward smile on her face. Lisa walked towards them and Jungkook immediately stood up beside the model and gestured to her cousin to sit down beside Jennie.

Jennie cleared her throat before taking a bite of her own slice.

"Seokjin insisted the police let Namjoon stay at home for a while before they can talk with a lawyer." Yoongi spoke, stuffing his phone inside his pocket. Jennie saw the sweetness in front of her when the older one wiped a pizza crumb on the side of Jimin's mouth.

"They're on their way here."

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