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Jennie was woken up by the sunlight coming from the glass sliding door of her balcony and even if she wants to sleep more, she is afraid she would have to receive nightmares again. She stretched her arms out and combed her hair with her hand before standing up to go downstairs.

Walking past Namjoon and Taehyung's room, she knocked on the doors but she was met with an empty room as she opened them.

Confused; she went downstairs and met Jisoo and Seokjin preparing breakfast for them.

"Where are they?" Jennie quietly asked. Jisoo placed a glass of milk in front of her as she sat down on the stool in front of the kitchen counter. Jisoo and Seokjin shared slight glances before the eldest responded.

"Namjoon slept in my room and Taehyung with Jungkook as of the moment, they're outside with the couple." Seokjin spoke whilst frying a few hams and eggs for their breakfast.

"His eyes were bloodshot when he knocked on my room last night. You two should give him a break." Seokjin added and the model nodded as a response. Jennie continued to sip the milk in front of her. Jisoo was staring at her with her comforting eyes before handling toast to the younger.

"Taehyung wants to speak with you." A voice coming from the door that led to the beach was heard from the kitchen and both Jennie and Jisoo drifted their eyes towards it. Lisa was leaning on the door frame whilst looking at the model. The butterflies came back and Jennie couldn't help but to clear her throat before walking towards the photographer.

"Where is he?"

"Oh, not now. He wants to speak with you at the end of this trip." Lisa lowered her voice when Jennie reached her side.

"Then why bother telling me?"

"Because apparently, I don't know. He asked me to say it to you right now and he wants you to enjoy this trip first before you two can even talk about something." Lisa wrapped her arms on the older's shoulder, pulling her outside and towards the beach where Jimin and Jungkook are already having fun swimming in the sea.

They continued to walk through the sands of the beach until Jennie noticed that Taehyung was sitting beside Yoongi as the two of them watched how Jungkook and Jimin got along.

"I wouldn't be surprised if there will be a double date between the four of them." Jennie spoke, looking at his brother getting along with her other friends was a great thing to see. The thought of hating him hasn't even crossed her mind now.

"We can make it triple though."

"What?" Jennie looked at the younger who's a bit taller than her. She had heard the younger mumble something but her focus was onto the couples just a bit farther than them.

"We should join Chaeyoung there. She kept on talking to the seashells. I am afraid she'd go crazy."

The two of them walked towards Chaeyoung who was squatting down on the other side of the beach. She was alone and when they reached her, she was indeed talking to the seashells.

"Now I'm surrounded by lovebirds." Chaeyoung stood up when she felt the two walking towards her. It was the same time that Lisa wanted to smack the older on her head for speaking.

"Why don't you just tell Jisoo then?" The photographer casually put her arms around the older seemingly trying to tone down her voice so Jennie wouldn't hear their little secret. Jennie looked at the both of them totally confused and intrigued.

"Don't tell me." Jennie was trying to form her words but she was cut by Seokjin who was shouting at them from the house. The breakfast is already done and the boys that were playing around farther from them all ran towards the house hearing that there is food that's ready to be devoured.

"From what I know it's just a crush and she said we shouldn't make a big deal out of it." Lisa shrugged when Chaeyoung ran ahead of them. The model looked up at her with a sly smile on her face. She knew it. She knew there would be something going on between the two of her best friends. Now that she thought of it, she wondered if there would be a possibility for them to-

"Walk faster, I'm hungry." The younger spoke, cutting her thoughts. When Jennie saw the playful pissed expression on the younger's face, she brought the younger's arms away from her shoulder and proceeded to run towards the house. When she looked back, the photographer was dumbfounded and that only made her run faster than she ever did in her entire life.

"Run faster! I'm hungry!" Jennie teased the younger, a playful smile lingering on her face.

The photographer ran after her and caught her with the younger's long arms. Both of them crashed just a few meters away from the doorsteps and fell down together, laughing at each other's silliness.

The two of them rolled together like a baking pin being rolled over dough. When they stopped rolling around the sand, Lisa's eyes met the older's feline eyes and swore that she had seen the most beautiful eyes at that moment. They stared at each other, ignoring the surroundings around them, including Seokjin's screams of their names.

"I'm hungry." Jennie whispered, unable to catch her breath with the butterflies dancing inside her stomach.

At that moment, the confusion in her mind grew.

"Me too."

mon amour | jenlisa ✔️Where stories live. Discover now