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Max, Nikkie, and Neil were on the bus. Max was eating his Pop•Tart and sat down in the back watching cat videos, with his crush Neil.

           Neil's POV *Talking To Himself*:
                                 "I've been staring at Max for the last minute, I want to talk to him but I really don't have the guts to do it. All I have to do is say, Hey Max! How was your Summer?".

Neil was so spaced out he didn't even realize the bus was at school already. Max then said, "We're at school can you please stand up, and go?". Neil blushed to hear Max's voice, it for some reason always turned him on. Neil got up and let Max walkthrough.
Max then got up and walked off the bus behind the other kid's Neil stepped got off with him.

        -----Time Skip Because I'm Lazy :p-----

It was Max and Neil's 3rd-period Physical Education,  Neil sucked at it because he was as weak as a noodle. Max was okay, at it but would occasionally get hit in the face get a nosebleed or get lucky and just have a minor cut from Nerf throwing the fall so hard. Today was one of those day's where they had dodgeball luckily Max and Nerris were chosen Max chose Neil, Nurf, Nikkie, Preston, and some other kids he really didn't know. Nerris Got to have Spacekid, Harrison, Ered, Dolph, and other kids. Somehow Ered hit Max in the face and knocked him out. Neil witnessed it ran to Max and took him under the bleachers, "Max are you, okay?". Max slightly opened his eyes and coughed, Neil realized his nose was bleeding also and it was all on Max's hoodie. He took his hoodie off and thought to himself, "What do Max's abs look like beneath his shirt?". He slowly took off Max's shirt and revealed his abs, Neil took out his phone and took 4 picture's of Max's abs. Neil looked at the pictures, the sight made him turn pink. Neil dressed Max in his yellow sweater. Max slightly woke up and said, "What the hell are you doing and why am I in your sweater?". Dodgeball you idiot. Neil then said, "Anyways It's almost lunch4th-period, want to bail and grab something to eat other than school food?" Max smiled hung his hand around Neil and said, this is why I like you, Neil. They snuck out of the gym and went to a local Burger Joint across the street from the school and ate on a bench outside.

                       -----Time Skip-----

It was home time everyone got on the bus called it a day and went home.

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