After school Activities

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It was after school hours and people were doing what they usually do. Preston was doing theater 🎭, Harrison was doing magic club, Neil was in the tutoring program, and Nikki and Max were wondering around the school sticking notes on teachers doors, then running. Nikki snickered while she went past Mr.Daniels room the math teacher sticking a paper to his door saying, "Cultist". After that, they decided to go to Neil's tutoring club where he was helping. Neil went out of class with Nerf, Dolf, and some other 9th graders. He then followed Nikki and Max near the entrance. Neil then said, "I gotta use the bathroom I'll be right back".  Max decided to follow him. Neil went into a stall cubicle pulled out his phone and then went to the 4 pictures of Max's abs, and started masturbating.

Max's POV: I went to the cubicle next to Neil and I could hear a clapping noise. My eyes widen as I hear a soft moan saying, "Ahhh, yes Max faster." I then sit on the toilet mortified as to what I just heard.

Neil then finished his session and headed out of the bathroom. Max decided to hurry out and just jog him. But he felt stuck and had a sinking feeling. Finally, he gathered the courage to walk out of the stall and then hugged home past Neil and Nikki keeping his head low.

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