A Dream (the end)

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Once the happily wedded couple got 'home' they walked into Neil's dorm happily. Neil laid down on his bed holding the smaller male close. Max looked up at him, "So what do married couples do?". Neil smiled a bit, "They stay together, live happily and intertwine as the days go by, thus the bond grows stronger.". Max chuckled a bit, "That's quite deep." Neil smiled and nodded his head. 

Max snapped his fingers, "How about we have tea and relax!". Neil nodded his head, "That's perfect!". He got out of bed and went into the kitchen, a few minutes later he came back with two cups of tea and a jar of honey with a spoon in it. He put the cups on a small table along with the honey. Neil grabbed a few quilts as he wrapped them around him and Max. He grabbed one of the cups of tea, he then took the spoon and had a spoonful of honey. He dipped the spoon in the tea as he stirred it around counter-clockwise.

Max took the tea as he took a sip from it, "I love you...". Neil took his cup as he took a sip from it turning on the T.V as it played an opera. "I love you too.". Suddenly, there was a beeping noise. Max fluttered his eyes open as he looked around the bedroom. He saw Neil beside him, he heavily sighed as he tightly hugged himself, "It was just another dream...". Neil woke up and groaned, "What?". Max turned his head to him, "I had a dream, we were in high school again, we had our wedding again, we even... we even had our tea and cuddles... again".

Neil chuckled a bit as he gently kissed his head, "You're probably just replaying our love again." Max smiled and nodded his head as he blushed a rosy pink, "That could be true...". Neil got out of bed as he rubbed his eyes, "Well, just lay back down and I'll make the breakfast." he smiled warmly at Max. Max nodded his head and curled up in the covers, 'I was just dreaming'. He thought to himself


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