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It was 2 o'clock and Max and Neil were walking home. The hot spring sun beaming down on Neil's face and Max's, for them it was unbearable. "Neil, It's so hot and my feet feel like they're on fire!", Max said in an extremely whiny voice along with stretching out his words. Neil then said, "Max, I get it! It's 90 degrees Fahrenheit! But don't start that whining bullcrap!" Max, looked up at Neil giving him the puppy dog eyes. Neil looked down at the shorter male, he then sighed and kissed Max on the forehead. I'm sorry Max when we pass the corner store I'll buy you... that thing, you've always wanted. Max, then looked up at Neil with this perplexed face and said, "And what do I want?". Neil's face went to ghost white. He then breathed in and said, "Y-You want y-your, Skerttles?" Max, then grinned and said, "No, now we know who's getting punished when they get home." Max then slapped Neil's curvy a** in his tight skinny jeans he got from Lavi's.

___________Time Skip Like Ya_________

They just arrived at the corner store. Neil then said, "Alright Max, get your stuff so we can go h-home." Max then grabbed his Twex and a toy with a remote that had the options extreme, turbo, and maximum overdrive. Neil didn't pay any attention to it, thinking Max was just buying Twex. Max quickly shoved everything in his backpack and walked up to his boyfriend and said with the most cheerful voice, "Are you ready, babe!", he said with a smile. They both walked out, with Neil not suspecting anything and Max having his own "fun" in his head.

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