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Casley's POV

Then, I heard a scream. And then a crash. And then more screaming. I run straight into the kitchen. I see Taylor standing there horror-struck. Calvin was as stunned as Taylor was. I looked up. There was a broken window. "What happened?" I asked quietly, biting my bottom lip. Both of them turned around adruptly.

"Oh, sweetie." Taylor walked over to me and knelt on the floor. She always does this when she is talking to me. I am quite short for my age. But she talks to me like I'm a four year old.

" It's okay, sugar. Probably just someone trying to break into our house again." Calvin told me as reassuringly as he could. I looked down at Taylor. She nodded her head slowly. But I could see it in their eyes. It wasn't just another silly little break in. I look at the window and notice a piece of paper. I pry out of Taylor's grasp and go over. "Sweetheart, don't go th-" Taylor begin but I cut her off. "What's this?" I took the paper off the window ledge. I read it out loud, "This is only the beginning. What does it mean?" My voice trembled with fear. Calvin took the paper from my hands. " A warning. " Calvin said coldly.
" Why? For what? For who?" Taylor shot questions at him. " I wish I knew too." Calvin said sadly.

" But we aren't bad people." My voice was hardly audible. Tears threatened to escape but I blinked them away. Taylor picked me up and stroked my hair. " I'm hungry, Taylor." I whispered into her ear as I played with her blonde curls. She laughed and said, "Well, at least our dinner is unharmed." Calvin let out a chuckle and brought the pot of spagahetti to the dining table. Taylor shifted my position to open the cupboard. I tried to struggle out of her grasp, but she held on tight, like if she lets go, she'll never see me again. I help take the plates and utensils out. Taylor finally puts me down when we are at the dining table. I glared at her and set the table.

Meals are always quiet. None of us talk. This dinner was filled with eerie silence. I twirled my spagahetti around my fork but didn't feel like eating. "Casley. Don't play with your food." Taylor said. I nodded without looking up and put the roll of spagahetti into my mouth.

Taylor's POV

I watch Casley pick her food and eventually put the roll of spagahetti she had been twirling for the past 1 minute into her mouth. I smiled as she attempts to chew it. The rest of dinner goes on in silence. I check my phone for the time as we start clearing the table. It was almost 6pm. Today was Calvin's day to wash. I follow Casley into the kitchen and put my dishes into the sink. Calvin grumbles something about being mean. Casley giggles and says, "You're just lazyyyyy" and runs off before Calvin could catch her.

I smile and plant a kiss on Calvin's cheek, "Thanks babe." I say sweetly before going off to find Casley. She was sitting on the couch in front of the TV, in the middle of two cats, Olivia on her right and Meredith on her left. Both were enjoying Casley's pats. Meredith is only social with Casley and Martha. Bias cat. I sit down beside Olivia who immediately pounces onto my lap. " So, do you want to watch a movie? " I ask. Casley shrugs her shoulders. I sigh. I've been trying but I can't blame her. If I had lost my family at 8 and was an international celebrity, I would shut myself in my room everyday. Casley walks over to the stack of DVDs on the shelf beside the TV. She picks out one called 'Sound Asleep' (A/N made up). She looks at me hopefully and I nod, giving her permission to watch it. She slots it into the DVD player.

This was one special movie to her. All 3 Mitchell sisters acted in this. After Casley had begged and threatened(not to act in the movie if her sisters won't in it) the director, he reluctantly agreed. She was only 4 then. Calvin had sat down beside Casley who has placed Meredith on her lap. The movie was about three girls trying to find a place in the world and somehow, the three of them meet and participate in a competition. It was a competition of trust. But sadly, Natalie was not in the ending. She wasn't able to act anymore. This movie is always emotional for Casley. It was a 2hour movie and by the 1hour mark, Casley will always be tears.

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