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Casley' POV

"Aunt Andrea, Uncle Scott and Austin!" I squeal and hug them tightly, conveniently forgetting that my body was wet. "Hey Mom, Dad, Austin. Did you guys just land here from Nashville?" Taylor and Calvin comes behind me and pulls them in. "Yeah. We wouldn't miss this brat's party." Austin jokes and pats my head. I roll my eyes and pull them in.

Once we were all settled, Taylor stood up to speak, "So shall we do presents first or cake?" I bit my lip and thought, "PRESENTS!" Everyone laughs and Karlie passes me her gift. "You've always asked for this. Oh and careful. It's fragile." Karlie said, smiling. I looked at her, excited. I pry open the gift and open the box. "OH MY GOSH! KARLIE! THANK YOU!" I scream and hug her tightly. It was a personalised snowglobe I had wanted since Karlie brought me to Disneyland. It had a figurine of me in my pale blue ballet dress, doing a turn. A picture of me actually doing it in real life was pasted on the stand of it. I shook it and glitter fell all over the place. Karlie laughed at my reaction and patted my leg.

"Me next !!" Hailee and Ellie shout at the same time. I giggle and take both their presents. I set Hailee's one down and I can sense her glaring at Ellie. The box wasn't small like Karlie's . I shook it but couldn't really hear anything. I tore the wrapper apart and opened the box. I reached in and pulled out her 'Keep On Dancing' jacket. I looked at her happily and she gestured to the box. "There's more?" I asked myself and reached in again. I felt 2 boxes and carefully took both of them out. "I immediately recoginse the first box, "OMG ! Ellie! I've always wanted the deluxe box !!" I go over and hug Ellie tightly. The second box was a bracelet, with the lyrics from my hit single, 'Sweetie Why'. It was the last line to the song, 'Sweetie don't come, telling me why.' There was also a tumblr with a Polaroid of us on it. "Okay the rest of you guys leave your gifts for Cas on the table there, it's getting late and I'm hungry for some cake." Calvin pointed to the table beside the couch. Everyone laughed and Taylor slipped into the kitchen to get the cake.

Selena flicked the light swith and everything went black.
"Happy Birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Casley.... Happy birthday to you." Everyone sang as Taylor brought the huge cake out of the kitchen, the candles illuminates the room. I gasped when the cake arrived in front of me.


Taylor's POV

Casley's jaw dropped when I brought the cake to the table in front of her. "Did-did you make this for m-me?" She stuttered. I laughed and nodded, "Calvin helped too." She jumped off the couch and wrapped her arms around me waist. I bent down and hugged her back as she said, "Thank you so so so so so much. I love it so much." Calvin clears his throat and pretends to look hurt. Everyone laughs and Casley hugs him. "Make a wish, pumpkin." Abigail said. Casley closed her eyes and clasped her hands together.

After about a minute, Casley finally opened her eyes and smiled, before saying, "So. WHO WANTS CAKE ?" Everyone cheers. I snap a quick picture of the cake before Casley cuts it. Soon, everyone had a piece and there was still quite a chunk of cake left. Suddenly, the doorbell rang again. Casley looked at me confused and I shrugged before turning to look at Calvin. He seemed as stunned as I was. The three of us walked over to the front door and I pushed Casley behind us.
"Well, well, well. Didn't bother to invite us." Calvin's mom, Pamela, said, smirking. She pushed past us and walked to Casley. "Hey sweetie." Pam said sweetly. "Hi Aunt Pam. I didn't know you were coming." Casley said softly. Pam stroked her hair and laughed, "Of course you won't. Your good-for-nothing mom didn't ask." I opened my mouth to object but Calvin grabbed me and shook his head. "Mom, you could have called and besides, you were the one who said that you and Dad were too lazy to come." Calvin pulled Casley behind him and stepped in front of his Mom. Pam just gave this evil laughter and strutted to the living room.

Everyone was staring as Pam plopped herself down on the couch. Casley whimpered and tugged at my skirt. I looked down at her and picked her up. She was heavy but not too heavy for me to carry. I tucked a loose strain of hair behind her ear and kissed her cheek. "Taylor! Isn't Casley a little old to be carried? Casley dear, get out of your mom's arms this instant! " Pam exclaimed, getting up and pulled Casley out of my grasp. "Hey! She's my baby and I get to decide what to do!" I raised my voice slightly. No one ever tells me not to carry Casley. "Oh please. Casley is 8 and she isn't even your real child. Don't forget, you're just the subsitute. You never will be her real mom." Pam rolled her eyes and did the evil laugh again. "Mom! That' it. No one ever insults my girls. Get out Mom." Calvin shouts and points to the door. When Pam reached out to stroke Casley, Calvin shouted louder again, "OUT MOM! AND NEVER COME BACK!"

That did the trick. The front door slammed. I looked at the ground as I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces. "I think... we should get going..." Brittany started and the rest nodded. One by one, everyone left. All except Selena and Karlie. I collasped onto the couch as Pam's words replayed in my mind. Tears rolled down my cheek uncontrollably. "Taylor? Don't cry." I heard a voice and felt a hand push my hair behind my ear. Casley looked at me with a sad smile and tear stained face. She wrapped her arms around my neck and whispered, "I love you Taylor. Nothing and no one will ever change that." I pulled back and just shook my head. Tears continued to roll as I run up to my room.

I flopped onto my bed as I sobbed into the pillow. I heard the door open and someone came to sit beside me.
Oooooooo some dramaaaaaa !!!
ugh gosh im so tired from school!😭😭😭
guess who came to check on Taylor !!! Selena? Karlie? Calvin? Casley? Or an uninvited guest? 😏😏😏

Oh and i entered this book for the wattys2018 even though it sucks :(

vote and comment !!! ✅✏



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