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Casley's POV

My eyes widened and I cowered into a corner of the couch. I haven't seen Calvin angry before, he was always smiling when I saw him. This side of him reminded me of my dad when he was drunk. A whimper left my mouth before I could control it. Calvin turned and glared at me. "You aren't any better you little bitch. You're a big piece of shit, that's all you are !" Calvin rose to his feet and towered over me. I shuddered and shut my eyes, bracing myself for what came next.  

"CALVIN !" I heard Taylor scream right before Calvin's fist collided with my cheek. His arm stopped mid-air, just an inch away from my face. "What the hell are you thinking?" Taylor yelled at him, stomping towards us, pulling me away. Calvin's face darkened as he turned to face Taylor. 

"What was I thinking ? Fuck. Ask your pathetic daughter and maybe question yourself too. I asked you to plan and organize our wedding yet you go out to that shitty place, not doing anything." Calvin spat out, "You know what, I've got enough of this shitty place and pretending I care about that fucking daughter of yours. You are fucking shit, Taylor Swift. You've got nothing but a fucking bad reputation now. Every where I go, I hear people calling you snakes." He paused, closing the gap between Taylor and him, jerking her head up so they were eye level. " You've got nothing left, Swift. And fuck, I'm tired of being dragged down to everything with you. The wedding's off. I'm not marrying a fucking slut." Calvin yelled, bringing his hand out and striking Taylor across her face, causing her to gasp and fall. I screamed at the sound and tried to run. But alas, Calvin blocked me with a smirk and kicked me in my stomach, "This isn't over." He whispered before throwing me aside. The next thing I heard was the front door slamming. 

I clutched my stomach as I felt bruises form on my back. I looked over to Taylor, blood running down her nose. I tried to move to her but the sharp pain exploded in my stomach again. "Cas baby. Oh my gosh, baby I'm sorry." Taylor rushed over to me, her face streamed with make up, tears and blood. "Taylor... you're bleeding." I whispered, reaching my hand out, wiping away the blood from her nose. "Sweetie, I'm fine. You need to go to the hospital." Taylor smiled sadly. My eyes widened and I shook my head vigorously.  

"No! Please Taylor. I don't want to go to a hospital." I pleaded, tears welling up in my eyes. I moved closer to her, grimacing at the pain. "Cas baby I know you don't want to but-" Taylor started again. "No. I don't have to. It just hurts a teensy bit. I can walk. Please. Anything but the hospital." I whispered, my voice getting softer and softer. Taylor sighed and hugged me, causing me to yelp. "Oh my god. I'm sorry, baby. Are you okay ? I'm getting you an ice pack. Go on the couch. Wait don't- stay here.  Yea, stay here and wait for me." She ordered, rushing into the kitchen. I managed a smile after she left and sighed. There's no way Taylor's letting me audition tomorrow. My shoulders sagged as I thought about it. The filming will take place in Australia. Taylor will definitely not let me go there alone.

Taylor came back, an ice pack in hand and her phone in the other. "Cas, Selena will be here to look
after you tomorrow. I, um, need to settle some things." She passed me the ice pack and helped me onto the couch. I faked a smile and gestured her away.

Pulling out my phone I texted Selena:

Selena, i need a favour tmr.

hi ya. tay told me to babysit you.

yea... i uh need you to drive me to an audition...
hii ! i know this update is longgg overdue but ugh school just started.

💫 chapters will be shorter now, like this one but i will try to update every week

💫 vote and comment !! remember ! i will be choosing on person to dedicate the chapter too :))

💫 this chapter is dedicated to PrincessSaraFarr thanks for reading my book !!

love you guys !! see you next weekk :)


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