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Casley's POV

This day, 11th of June. It was one of the days I look forward to every year. All my fans cross their fingers and pray for me to visit them. Every year I try to decide on who to visit but there are just too many and there's only one of me. So, I always pick different people from different places. Last year, I went to Japan to surprise 25 of them there. This year, I'm here in my hometown, LA.

"Cas, we're here." Taylor shook me gently as the car slowed to a stop. I smiled widely as I looked at the pretty small house we stopped at. This girl's name was Kaith. She's 2 years older than me and I found her, well actually Taylor found her, on Tumblr. She's watched so many of my shows and been to 5 of the Casley tour. I jumped off the car and took the box Ian passed me. As excited as I was, I was equally nervous.

The doorbell rang as soon as Taylor's finger was lifted off the bell. It was almost instantaneously when the door opened and quite quickly when a scream escaped Kaith's mouth. Tears formed at her eyes as she dropped to the floor, speechless. I laughed and said, "Come on up. It's just me, Casley." I put the box on the floor and helped her up. Her mouth moved but no sound came out. She just motioned for us to go in, obviously still in shock. Once we went in, Kaith's mother was there, smiling at us. Taylor had sent a letter to her mom to tell her about the visit and she had done a good job not telling Kaith.

I hugged her mom and we took a seat on the couch. I looked around the living room. Pictures of Kaith as a toddler to now was hung all over the place. She was a gymnast and trophies was placed in a glass cabinet. Kaith finally came in, her eyes were still red from the shock. "Hey Kaith! How are you?" Taylor asked as she shifted so Kaith could sit beside me.

"Omg! I still can't believe Casley Mitchell Swift and Taylor Swift are in my house! This is not a dream is it?" Kaith was looking at me with wide eyes. I giggled and held her hands, "No it isn't. We're really here. Taylor found your profile on Tumblr and you've been such a big Casler since the beginning, I though why not pop by?" Kaith just looked shocked so I wrapped my arms around her. We hugged for a while before pulling apart. Taylor left us so we could chat. Our conversation ranged from gymnastics to dance to school to singing. We chatted for over an hour. I realised how many things we had in common as we chatted. We both danced, did gymnastics and has older siblings. Kaith had an older brother called Keith and another older sister called Kathe. Looking at the way Kaith was talking about her older siblings made me miss Carrie and Natalie even more.

"Hey, Cas. It's time to go. We've got 24 more houses to go to!" Taylor appeared from the kitchen, with Kaith's mother at her side. I nodded and turned to Kaith, "Is there anything you want me to autograph for you?"

"Oh YES!" Kaith jumped up excitedly and looked around. She took her phone off the table and passed it to me. I took a sharpie from my pocket and signed her phone cover: ❤❤❤, Casley

"Kathe and Keith are big fans of you too... do you mind autographing their notebooks? They would be so SO happy!" Kaith asked shyly, holding out two notebooks. I smiled happily and signed the notebooks. I watched as Kaith kept the notebooks. As much as she was trying to hide it, you could see the excitement in her eyes.

"Okay girls, let's take a photo and we have to go." Taylor called us as  Ian came in with a camera. We all got into position, Taylor and I wrapped our arms around Kaith and her mom. "Okay! I'll post the picture to your house when we've got it printed." Taylor said, smiling. We hugged again before leaving.

"Gosh, we've got to hurry if we want to visit all of them." I said, glancing at the time on my phone. A notification popped up, from an unknown number...
BOO! hey guys ! im backk

💫 firstly, im so sorry for not updating in a whole MONTH. i had to study for finals ( which are finally over ughh ) then i had a concert to prepare for which is on next thursday !

💫 im back for good and ill update weekly now ! i promise !

💫 dont forget to vote and comment ! the reader with the most number of comments will have the next chapter dedicated to him/her 💚

💫 lastly, this chapter is dedicated to elementfighter! thank you for your encouraging words ! im so happy youre enjoying the story !! love you ❤


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