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Taylor's POV

It was almost 8 in the night. We snuck into the studio, just to see those green eyes I will never forget. Mask over face, he turned to face us. "Where's Casley?" Calvin half shouted, moving closer to him. "Well, I see you clearly don't remember who I am," he turned around, hands on his mask, pulling it off as he says, "Remember my long hair and white shirt?" Harry smirked as he stroked his hair.

"You-you bastard !" Calvin rushed forward but I pulled him back before he could do anything rash. "Where's Cas? Why did you take her?" I asked, trying my best to keep calm, my grip on Calvin's arm getting tighter and tighter. Harry walked closer to us, laughing, "Don't worry, Casley is safe and sound. I just want a deal." Harry walked closer, putting his hand on my face. Before I could reply, Calvin's fist collided with Harry's face. I gasped and jumped back. Harry spit out the blood and glared at the fuming Calvin. "Don't you dare touch Taylor," Calvin said through gritted teeth. Harry rolled his eyes and looked at me, "Can you control your husband? I'm not gonna kill her or anything. I just need some money. $3 million and Casley will be returned."

My jaw dropped, "Why the hell do you need $3 million? Don't you earn money? And besides, Casley is worth much more." Harry smirked and said, "Then should I ask for more?" Calvin's fists loosened and slapped Harry on the back before laughing. "You jerk. If you wanted money, you could have just asked." Harry moved away and said, "It's not so simple. More might come." Turning to me, he said, "Meet me here in 1 hour's time. Have the money and I'll have Casley."

Casley's POV

The Polaroids... it was all of Taylor. Words were written under every picture.
Taylor's Diva moments.
Taylor's Shady moments.
Taylor's Rude moments.
Taylor being rude to security.

My eyes widen as I scan the pictures. No! They're all lies. Taylor isn't bad! I grip my head with both hands and shut my eyes tightly. Taylor would never do something like that. I fall back onto the bed, curled up in a tiny ball. Tears rolled down my cheeks slowly as I let go of my fists, revealing marks on my palms made by my fingernails. My eyes open and I saw a stack of newspapers on a small round table. I stepped on the floor gingerly, slowly edging towards the table. The first thing I saw was Taylor's picture plastered over the front page of the newspapers. I ignored the headings, knowing very well it was spilling bad stuff about Taylor. The last one caught my eye. It was about Harry and Taylor. All about their relationship. I don't like this. She should have the privacy to keep her relationship quiet, but the media obviously doesn't think so. My mind starts to whirl around, reading the headlines, pictures of Taylor invading my brain. What was he trying to do to me? Voices whispered into my mind,
Look at all these articles, aren't they enough to prove that Taylor is mean, evil, cold-hearted?
Just leave already. Why continue to stay with her?

I shook my head fast, trying to get the voices out of my head. She can't possibly be bad right? Taylor is so nice to me, she never hurts me. But what if...

Taylor's POV

Calvin and I rush back home as fast as possible, I grab my credit card before sprinting to the nearest bank to withdraw $3 million. The accountant is gonna think I'm crazy. "Hi! Can you withdraw $3 million from my bank account? Thanks!" I say quickly. The accountant just stares at me, "You-you're Tay-Taylor Swift!" I look around, no one has noticed me yet. I nod and motion her to quickly withdraw my cash. She nodded and scrurried away. My fingers drumed on the counter top as I glanced at the clock anxiously. I only have about 35 minutes left.

Luckily, the lady comes back as quickly as she left. A huge and heavy envelope fell into my waiting hands. I groaned slightly, took a sharpie from her desk and signed her pass hanging from her neck. Smiling slightly, I ducked my head low and walked out quickly. Calvin was waiting in his car. I opened the door and jumped in. "God, $3 million is very very heavy." I massage my hurting arms. Calvin chuckles and leaned back to kiss them. I blushed and said, "Just go already." He smirks and starts the engine.

When we reach the back of my studio, I can only see Harry in the darkness of the night. Once Calvin had stopped the car, I threw the door open, marching towards Harry. "Where's Casley? You promised to have her." I asked, trying with my best effort to contain my anger. Harry ignores my question and looks over my shoulder, "Do you have the money?" I glance behind and see Calvin lugging the huge envelope. Harry grinned and beckoned us to follow him. I walked behind him cautiously. "Where are you taking us?" Calvin shouts from behind me. Harry laughs and replies, "Don't worry. It's a safe place."

Casley's POV

Harry comes in and passes me a Caramel Frappe from Starbucks. I hesitate before taking it from his hands. "Come on. Drink up." He says, sitting down beside me. "You didn't spike it or anything?" I ask, looking at his green eyes. He chuckles and shakes his head. Harry can be quite cute sometimes. I took a sip before asking, "Why did you do this?" He stares at the ground, stood up and breathes out, "I didn't. I'm just a pawn. Finish up your drink and get ready." With that, he smiled and left the room. I sat there, drink in my hand, my mind spinning with confusion. "Someone else is behind all this. They are using Harry and God knows who else? But why? What is their objective?" I muttered to myself, questions invading all my thinking space.

Staring at the pictures plastered on all four walls, I sipped my drink slowly, trying to forget about everything. I shivered, just realising how cold the room was. It wasn't helping that I was chosen to wear a crop top. But then again, how would I have known that I was to be kidnapped? A smile formed on my face as I recollected the memories from my birthday party. There should be some photos on Instagram.

Placing my drink on the bedside table, I felt the back pocket of my shorts for my phone. It's not there. I flipped the duvet cover over, but it wasn't under there either. Damn it, I slapped myself mentally. It's either I left it at home when Harry took me, or Harry took my phone while I was asleep. Flopping back onto my bed, I stared at the ceiling, making pictures with the cracks. "I'm living my life on the red carpet. I'm living my life on the movie set. No matter who you are, no matter where you go, be living your life. " I sang softly. "Living My Life", was the last track to my debut album. I hummed the tune as I sat up and sipped my drink again.


omg guys ! im so sorry for not updating for so long :( ive been really busy but ive a week off school so i hope i will be able to update more often !! 💓


love you ❤❤


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