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Casley's POV

I groan as I felt someone shaking me. "Sleepyhead it's lunchtime." An awfully familiar voice rang through my ears. I rub my eyes and turned around. "I want to sleep, Taylor." I mumble softly, pulling the blanket higher up to my face. "C'mon, don't tell me I brought sushi here for nothing !" Calvin said, excessively loudly, knowing I couldn't give up eating sushi. I grin and sit up straight immediately. "You're the best Calvin." I say, reaching out for a sushi.

"Hands." Taylor commanded. I groaned and reluctantly dragged myself to the bathroom to wash my hands. I looked up at my reflection in the mirror above the sink. My face was so pale yet my cheeks were buring red. My own reflectiom scared me. I splashed some water on my face and took a sharp breath before stepping.

"You took ages." Calvin complained as I sat down on the hospital bed. I didn't say anything but grinned and shoved a piece of sushi into my mouth. "Where's Tay?" I asked, swallowing my food. Calvin nodded towards the door, "Doctor called her out when you were in the toilet." I craned my neck to look through the small glass panel to see them and caught a glimspe of Taylor.

Taylor's POV

"Ms Swift? Can I see you outside for a minute?" Casley's doctor poked her head around the door. I nodded and stood up. "Ms Swift-" She started but I cut her off, "Please, call me Taylor." She smiled and continued, "Alright, Taylor. I understand this is the first time this has happened, yes? From the tests, Casley's heart rate was at an abnormally fast speed. I can't conclude what it is and why yet. But please contact me immediately if Casley complains of pain in her chest or difficulty in breathing. Otherwise, she's free to go. The nurse will pass you her papers later." She smiles again, once she finishes and walks off.

I did not catch a single thing she had just told me. All I know is that my baby is sick and I can't do anything about it unless she tells me. I stood there, completely shaken. I could feel tears threatening to spill from the mere fact of Casley coming here again. Taylor, stop it. Don't you dare cry. You can't let Casley see you sad. Suck it up. I took a deep breath and wiped the tears away before turning to go back in. 

"What did the doctor say?" Calvin asked, once I entered the room. I faked a huge smile and looked at them both, "You're free to go home !" Calvin grinned, "Sweet. But I got to go babe. I wish I could stay longer but they need me in the studio. I'll come by later. Bye, Cas honey. Be good." He reached over the kissed Casley's forehead. He turned to me and kissed me before rushing out of the door. Just as he left, a nurse came in. "Ms Swift, Casley's discharge papers. If you could sign here, and here. And that's done, Casley is free to go. Have a nice day." She said, smiling and left. I looked down at the little girl who was grinning back at me. "Oh no you don't. Don't give me that look. I don't like it." I warned her, knowing very well how the rest of the day is gonna be. 

*an hour after they got home*

"Tell me again why are we doing this?" I asked, groaning as the girl lay on the couch. "Because we've got nothing planned today and you won't let me continue what I was supposed to do today and that you're the best." Casley said, flipping through my Netflix account.

"LAW AND ORDER !" I screamed once I saw show. Casley looked at me and pouted, "You promised ?" I sighed and slumped back onto the couch. "This ! Is the best !" Casley said happily, setting down the remote after choosing the same TV show we watched everytime. I rolled my eyes and said, "Don't you ever get bored of watching the same 2 seasons ?"

"Well, there's a third season coming out and don't you get bored of L&O ?" Casley retorted. Before I had a chance to reply, she waved her hands in front of my face, "SHH, it's starting. Jughead's opening lines are the best."

'Our story is about a town, a small town, and the people who live in the town. The name of our town is Riverdale. And our story begins, I guess, with what the Blossom twins did this summer...

And by then, Casley had her head rested comfortably on my lap. I sighed softly, knowing we both won't be getting anything done till dinner.
shit. this is such a crappy chapter im so sorry but ive got no motivation rn. things have been beyond horrible and i just feel so shitty. im sorry.

vote & comment ,, ill try to update again next week.

love yall ❤


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