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Casley's POV

I click on the message notification, thinking that it was just a fan who somehow had gotten hold of my number. Oh but alas, it wasn't. "Oh my god, Taylor." My voice shook as I said those 4 words. "What's it sweetheart?" Taylor turned around to look at me. I stared straight into her eyes and I guess the fear must have been in my eyes because Taylor's smiling face had turned into a scared one. I held out my phone and she read the message out loud: Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. Don't worry, I'm neither your enemy nor your friend. But I've been keeping you close. Getting closer and closer each day, Casley.

"Taylor, I'm scared. What's happening ? How did they get my number ?" I asked, my voice stumbling. I felt my body start to tremble and my breath was quickening. I started to gasp for air as I felt my lungs tighten. Wave after wave of fear was hitting me. I could hear my heart pounding so loudly I thought it would come out of my chest. Pains were shooting across my whole body. Taylor became a blur. My head was pounding as rapidly as my heart. I could Taylor screaming my name. What's happening to me? My mind was whirling. I gasped, desperately trying to get some air.

Taylor's POV

"Casley ! Oh my god, Ian drive to the nearest hospital !" I screamed, desperately trying to wake Casley. She was shaking so violently and her breaths were short and unstable. "C'mon baby, stay awake with me. Keep breathing sweetheart, don't stop okay? We're going to the hospital now." I said, making sure she's still taking breaths. She tried to talk but I hushed her, "Not now. You focus on breathing for me okay?" She nods and graps for my hand. I slide mine into hers. She clings onto it like her life depended on me. I blinked back the hot tears that threatened to flow down as I squeezed Casley's hand tightly.

"Ms Taylor ? We're here." Ian said, as he pulled up in front of the hospital. 3 nurses and a doctor came rushing towards us. "Please help her. She's been shaking and her breaths we-were short and quick, her face became really pale and-and she wa-was spazming. Please you have to do something." I said in one breath to a nurse who had came to me.

"Yes ma'am. We will. Can you tell me when and where did this happen ?" The nurse asked, holding me up to prevent me from collasping.

"About 10 to 15 minutes ago, I think. We were in my car on the way to another fan's house." I tried to think but my mind was slowly going blank.

"Okay, ma'am come with me and tell me exactly what happened." The nurse held me and guided me to the waiting chairs inside the hospital. Many other patients started squealing and crowd around me but Ian tried his best to hold them off. I sat on the chair and craned my neck to find Casley.
When I couldn't find her, I tugged at the nurse's sleeve, like a little girl, and asked where she was.

"She's in the emergency room now. Ok, did anything happen when you were at the first fan's house?" The nurse asked, bringing out a clipboard. I shook my head.
"Okay. Please hold on for a while. The doctor will come with more information later." The nurse smiled at me gently and left. I buried my face in my hands and tried to think of what happened then. The tears I held back came racing down. I just sat there and waited for the doctor to come out.

"Ms Swift?" The doctor calls after about 1 hour. My head shoots up and I walk towards the doctor. "Casley is fine and resting in her room now. Can you answer some questions before you go in to see her?" She asked kindly. I nodded and took a deep breath.

"We think Casley has suffered a panic attack. It is usually triggered by something that happened. It isn't dangerous but it was good that you came to the hospital immediately. Is this the first time that this has happened?" The doctor asked, writing in the same clipboard the nurse brought out just now. I just nodded again.

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