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read till the end for a little 'announcement' :)

Taylor's POV

I yawned as I felt a nudge in my stomach. Rubbing my eyes, I turned around, nearly falling off Casley's bed. I glanced at the peaceful little girl sleeping beside me and can't help but smile. I pushed the blanket off me and check the time. "Oh my god, it's nearly 11!" I said, a little too loudly. "Hm? What?" Casley stirred slowly, turning around to face me. Her eyes were not focused as she yawned and stretched. "You've GOT to get up now! You have a big day today and it's an hour till noon!" I pulled the groaning girl out of her bed.

After another 10 minuted of arguing, I finally managed to get Casley to the bathroom to wash up. As she brushed her teeth sulkily, I combed through her hair and pulled it up into a ponytail. Once it was in a nice ponytail, her curls worked their magic and formed three locks of curls at the bottom. Casley washed and cleaned her face before jumping off the stool. She ran into her wardrobe and stood in front of the numerous choices. "How about some jeans and a t-shirt?" I asked, holding up a white shirt with a little cat at the bottom and a pair of denim jeans. Casley looked at me horrified. "Taylor, it's the start of summer! I'm not wearing jeans!" She retorted. "Fine! Um... shorts then?" I pulled up a pair of white comfortable shorts that went perfectly with the top. This time Casley smiled and grabbed them. She slid off her onesie and stood there naked, only with her underwear on. I know its creepy but I just stared at her body. Her rib cage could be seen clearly and her stomach was nearly flat. She was just perfect.

Casley caught me staring at her and blushed, quickly putting on her clothes.  I smiled and asked her to go downstairs for breakfast. After watching her bound down the stairs, I went into my bedroom and washed my face. I quickly changed into a bluish white dress and grabbed my phone. Once I turned it on, millions of notifications came flooding in. Clicking into Instagram, I had over 7 thousand comments on my most recent post. At least half of them asking where Casley was, if she was okay and who took her. My heart melted slightly at how our, my and her fans were so caring. I clicked on my Messages notifications and saw 10 messages from Karlie and Gigi each, 20 messages from my family group chat and 2 messages from Selena. I clicked on Selena's chat. The first message was a photo of Casley on her onesie last night and the 2nd message was telling me that she left with two kissing faces emojis. I clicked on the photo. It was slightly blurry but I could see Casley's sparkling eyes.  I went to Instagram and posted the photo with the caption:

thank you everyone for your care and concern ! ❤ you guys are just amazingly awesome 😭😭  my little one is safe and sound. here's a bunny for you from last night, credits to @ selenagomez ! surprises coming your ways today ! @casleymitchell  💋

And post. I quickly switched off my phone as I heard my little girl's high-pitched scream from downstairs. 

"Calvin! Stop it! Taylor's gonna be SO mad!" Casley was giggling as I descended from the steps. 

"What's going on? Why will I be mad?" I asked, stepping into the kitchen. Before either one replied me, I looked around me. Kitchen appliances were all over the kitchen top. Pancake batter was all over the counter and on the floor. Flour was on the ground, with a broken egg. Casley stood on a stool over the stove, making, well, attempting to make pancakes. Calvin looked at me sheepishly, flour all over his hands. I just stood there, mouth opened. I didn't know whether to be angry or to laugh. I chose the better option, thinking of some sort of punishment for them later. A small chuckle escaped me. 

Casley's eyes lit up and giggled. I walked over the mess and stepped towards her. Kissing her head, I took over and she jumped off the stool. "Wash your hands and don't disturb the cats." I called after her as she ran towards the living room.  "As for you, well, you won't be coming with us for the surprises. You gonna stay here, clean this up and have dinner ready when we get back." I said to Calvin, back-facing him, so he can't see the smile creeping up my face. I could feel Calvin rolling his eyes at me. "Mmmm... you're being nasty today huh." He whispered, breathing into my neck. I felt his breath against my bare neck, sending a tingling sensation down my spine. Calvin started to kiss me down my neck, I moaned softly. "Baby... the pancakes aren't gonna cook themselves. Save this for later tonight." I whispered, turning around, crashing our lips together before Casley came back. 

"Taylor! My screen protector cracked!" Casley said, showing me a long crack from one end of her phone to the other. "It's okay darling. Calvin will fix it for you when we get back okay? Now, hurry up and finish up your pancakes. Do you have the list of people we're gonna surprise and their addresses?" I asked, putting 2 pancakes onto a plate, drizzling them with honey, topping it with blueberries. Casley took her plate and passed me the piece of neatly folded paper. I looked at the addresses. We should be able to finish by 7pm today. 

After about 10 minutes, we had devoured our pancakes. "Bye Calvin!" Casley called over her shoulder as she ran into my car. I kissed him and climbed into the car. "All the packages loaded?" I asked my driver, Ian. "Yes, Miss Taylor." He replied from the driver's seat. I passed him the paper as we settled into the seats of the car. Even before we got out of the garage, I could feel the camera flashes from the paparazzi. I looked over at Casley, expecting her to put on her sunglasses and ignore them like I do when I'm not in the mood. To my surprise, she was looking out of the window, smiling at the cameras, as if nothing has happened. I could see their mouths moving but refused to let myself decipher what they were saying. I gripped Casley's hand tight as we went on our journey into the day....
hey!! im so sorry im latee :( this chapter is horribly done. im really really sorry. ive been sick and finals are in 2 weeks. im a wreck.

SO, ive decided to dedicate every chapter i write to someone. so the person with the MOST  number of COMMENTS  will get the next chapter dedicated to him/her ! 💛💛

anyway! i hope you guys enjoyed this and till next time loves ! 💋💋



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