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Casley's POV

"Casley?" I turned around quickly. Taylor stood at the doorway, her eyes were red.  "Taylor!" I ran towards her, my toe knocking on the table. Taylor knelt down, tears glistening at the corner of her eyes. "Oh sweetie. I'm never letting you go again." She whispered into my hair as she held me real tight. I hugged her and let my emotions take the better of me.

"I'm sorry," was the first thing that came out of my mouth when we finally pulled apart. Tears stained my pale cheeks as I searched her eyes for emotions. But they remained the ocean blue colour, emotionless. "Oh you, you have nothing to be sorry for! You did nothing wrong!" Taylor stroked my face and told me quickly.

A small smile crept up my face and before I could say anything, Taylor started to burn questions on me, "Are you hurt? Do you feel unwell anywhere? Did Harry hurt you? Are you okay?" I kept quiet as Taylor scanned my body with her eyes, her soft palms running over my arms and legs. "Nope, Harry didn't do anything to me. But he did buy me this !" I said, running to the bedside table and taking another sip of my Starbucks drink. Taylor laughed and motioned for me to go outside. I followed after her, realising when I was near the door that Taylor had not recognized the pictures or she just hadn't seen them. I guess it's better then.

Harry was standing in the kitchen with Calvin, talking about football. I looked around me, taking in the surroundings of the house I had never been in before. Assuming it was Harry's, I ventured to the kitchen island and attempted to get on the counter seat. Calvin noticed me immediately and pulled me up. "Hey you, you okay there ? This man over here didn't hurt you or anything ?" Calvin asked jokingly, looking at Harry. I shook my head and finished up my drink. Swinging my legs, I studied the pictures hung on the wall far away from me. I couldn't really see them clearly but I could tell that a few of them had Taylor in them. 

"Let's go home now. It's nearly 10 p.m. Casley's gonna be a grouch if she doesn't get her sleep." Taylor interrupted the two men's conversation. I jumped of the seat into Taylor's arms and placed my right arm around her neck. She shifted me onto her left hip and waited by the door for Calvin. We walked to Calvin's car and even when we were inside, I refused to be let out of Taylor's grasp. My head automatically rested itself on Taylor's chest, the space near her collarbone. She sighed and placed her head onto mine. I felt Taylor's warm hand rubbing my back slowly while I fell asleep. 

I was jolted awake when I felt someone's hand on my neck. My eyes shot open and my heart raced. "Shh... it's okay sweetie. It's just me. Did I startle you?" Taylor stroked my hair and whispered into my ear. My pulse slowed and I nodded my head sleepily. "Have we reached?" I mumbled softly. I didn't hear Taylor's reply but I heard the door opening and I felt being lowered onto my bed.

I opened my eyes and saw Selena rummaging through my wardrobe. She pulled out a fluffy white bunny onesie and held it up. She looked at me and smiled. I sat up straight and asked as she walked over to me, "Where's Taylor? And you're still here? I thought you went home?"

"Taylor's downstairs with Calvin and I'm spending the night." Selena replied, attempting to get me into the onesie she had picked out. I squealed and pushed it away. "No, Selena! I haven't worn it in a year!" I ran across my room, trying to escape Selena's grasp. 

"GOTCHA!" Selena successfully tugged my muscle tee off. I screamed and giggled as she tickled me while carrying me onto my bed. I gave up and allowed her to dress me. "Done! You look adorable! Go down and show your mom!" Selena snapped a picture of me and pushed me gently off the bed.  I tensed up hearing Selena calling Taylor my mom. I know she is, but I don't feel ready to call her my mom. All my enthusiasm is lost when I started to think about Mom, Dad and my sisters. I climbed down the stairs slowly, deep in thought when I hear Taylor and Calvin talking. 

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