Chapter 1

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Kong's POV

I have been knocking for the past 20 minutes.  I was almost close to losing the skin off my knuckles and still there was absolutely no response. I looked around the hallway and checked my phone again for the 50th time. I had also been calling almost non-stop but it didn't seem like that would bear out any fruit either. I bounced on the heels of my feet contemplating how to tackle this new problem. I was currently standing outside the door of my new rental apartment with over 10 boxes of personal times ready to move in, while my to-be-roommate refused to let me in. I had been assured, more than once, by my landlady that this so called roommate was more than trustworthy and he would be present to welcome me on my moving day. Which happens to be today. And the front door might as well have been sealed shut since there was no roommate in sight. To add to my severe frustration I was also drenched from the unexpected downpour which lasted all of 15 minutes. Exactly the time it took me to move my boxes from the rental truck to the building. So now here I stood. Me and my soaked boxes, stranded outside my own apartment.

After another 10 minutes of futile knocking and calling, I finally called my landlady to see if there was another way in. So 45 minutes and a roundtrip to her house later I was back in front of the door finally ready to make my way in. I guess I wouldn't have been in such a bad mood if most of my friends hadn't ditched me last minute on moving day. Or if I wasn't soaked to the bone, shivering my butt off. Or most importantly if it wasn't past 11 pm on a Sunday night, with tomorrow being my first day at my new job. My first job. And I was shit nervous. As I very well had the right to be.

But chin up Kong. You are about to move in to your new apartment. The place you will call home for atleast a year. I am going to dump all my boxes in my room, take a long, hot shower, and go straight to bed. I need to wake up bright and early tomorrow. Can't have those pesky dark circles ruin my ID picture. So I breathed a sigh of relief as I finally inserted the key and the lock actually managed to click open. Phew! This was harder than it should have been. But welcome home Ko...


There was absolutely no way this place could have been inhabited by a human being. It was just simply not possible. It was like a dumpster had food poisoning and threw up all over the house. There was trash littered all over the living room. On the floor, on the couch, on the furniture, even on the TV. Old take out boxes, pizza boxes, rotting food, empty cans, drink cups, and most of all beer bottles. Everywhere you turned there were more beer bottles. It's like someone had tried to create this intricate maze of alcohol containers and once you navigated through the maze your grand prize was, you guess it right, more beer bottles. In simple words. It was filthy.

Ah man! Don't tell me my roommate was some wannabe hobo, with some sever alcohol problem. And to think I actually believed my landlady when she sang endless praises of him. Sweetest man I will ever meet my foot! The only sweetness I could see here was the half eaten ice cream case with the rest forming a melted puddle around the container. I honestly couldn't even guess how long that has been sitting there, right in the center of the living room. With a ginormous cockroach lapping up the melted cream without any fear whatsoever. Of course, why would it fear me at all. Not like there would be any bug spray around this house, cause it surely doesn't look like it's been cleaned in.....ever.

I hopped over as much trash as I could trying my hardest to not smush some lost piece of food with my shoe to head towards my room. Thankfully, it was perfectly untouched. Apparently hurricane dumpster which has trashed the rest of the house had somehow missed my room. So I did the hop, skip, and jump dance exactly 10 times to lug my 10 boxes into my room. I knew I had absolutely no energy to unpack right now but I did need a shower. My drenched clothes had almost dried on me again and were now stiff and scratchy. I grabbed a change of clothes and a towel and headed to the shared bathroom.

Oh sweet mother of God! Not the bathroom too. Other than tons of discarded clothes just lying on the floor, I counted atleast 5 boxer shorts. Well, as disgusting as my roommate was atleast he managed to change his underwear every day. Maybe that has to count for something cause absolutely everything else was going to make me throw up. How exactly were there beer bottles in the bathroom?

Alright Kong. You can do this. Just in and out. Run right in. Don't touch anything at all. Take a quick shower and run right back to the safety of your room. And pray really really hard there are no cockroaches around while you are standing naked in there. After a record speed in showering I finally got into bed. It was close to 2 am in the morning already and I needed to be up by 6:30 since like an idiot I like to super early everywhere I go. And my first day at a new job definitely qualified as the top reason to be early.

As exhausted as I was, I took a few moments to look around my room. It was actually fairly pleasant if one could manage to ignore the battle royale that took place outside. Crap! Now I would have to run to into my roommate at some point. And looking by the state of this apartment I am not sure I want to even be standing close to him. But I am polite to a fault. In fact I am pretty sure that is my biggest failing in life. So I am going to nod and smile whenever I cross paths with Mr. Hobo and stay out of his way as much as possible. I was just about drifting off to sleep when I was startled awake with the loud noise of someone rattling the front door. I heard loud thumps of footsteps walk across the apartment and the door to the room adjoining mine being opened roughly and shut with a loud bang.

You know what, maybe my polite smile won't be quite so broad cause my roommate is a class A jerk!


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