Chapter 22

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Arthit's POV

How do I exit this twilight zone? I am currently sitting across from the guy I like surrounded by both of our ex-girlfriends. Could my situation get any more surreal? Actually, let's hold that thought, cause I am sure if I wait a few more minutes someone will drop another bombshell on me. And here it is. Now they expect the four of us to frolic about together at the park this weekend.

Somehow I don't have absolutely any doubt that Kong is behind this. I don't how or why, but I know for a fact that this situation has been strategically planned by him. And no matter how hard I squint I can't manage to read what is going on in that head of his.

If someone asked me last week I would have sworn up and down that Kong was not remotely interested in Tia. In fact the so called double date we had gone on all those weeks ago, Kong had basically ignored Tia all night to not-so-discretely keep pushing me towards the girl who was supposed to be my date. So why exactly was the ghost of his girlfriends' past now eating a cake on my dining table. Maybe he was just doing this to annoy me, and if that was a case then I would have to tell him it was a job well done, cause I was beyond annoyed.

Thankfully, atleast tonight she had managed to keep her hands firmly to her side. I wasn't particularly looking forward to going all jealous caveman in the middle of dinner if she decided she needed to admire his chest again. But surprisingly they hadn't given me too many reasons for my jealousy to overflow. In fact, she spoke to me a lot more than she even looked in his way. Even Nam seemed surprisingly inquisitive about a girl that was just a friend of Kong's, and it was no great secret that she didn't even particularly like Kong. At this point I am willing to donate my right kidney for all of them to just stop playing these fucking mind games with me, but I have a feeling my roller coaster ride is just about beginning.

And I didn't even have to wait long for the twists to begin as the first thing I notice when I enter the bedroom after my shower that night was Kong nonchalantly laying on our bed, preparing to sleep wearing nothing but his boxers. Deceptively tiny boxers. Sweet lord! Did the boy live to give my heart palpitations.

"Why the fuck are you naked?"

"Huh? I am not."

"Where are the rest of your clothes?"

"Don't feel like wearing them. It's super hot tonight."

"Go turn on the air conditioning."

"Then I will be cold."

"So you plan on sleeping wearing just that."

"Yeah. It's comfortable."

"Is this your way to kick me out tonight?"

"Why would you think that? You know I love having you in my bed."

"Fine! I am still taking the couch tonight."

"P' you already accepted my offer last night. Do you want to take it back now? You do remember it was a one-time thing."

I glared at him for a few minutes while he expressionlessly returned my look. Would Kong really kick me out for the next three weeks if I went to the couch tonight? I actually wouldn't put it past him. And assuming he actually did end up barring me from a decent bed until Nam kept occupying mine, even then taking the couch was still seemed preferable than spending a torturous night next to an almost naked Kong. But that would bring me back to square one with constantly feeling awkward every time Nam entered the living room at night and a very pissed off Kong. It was like I a trapped in my personal hell with the added responsibility of feeding the two devils living with me.

And with really no choice other than accepting my fate I averted my eyes and got into bed next to him keeping as much distance between us as humanly possible pretending his state of near undress didn't bother me in the least. Now if only we could maintain the space between us I might just survive this night. Keep my back to him, don't look, don't think, don't even breathe. Kong isn't sleeping next to me. He isn't in the same room. Not even the same apartment. I am all alone. Just trying to go to sleep. Nothing at all to be stressed about.

"P' if you are free tomorrow will you help me go over my project notes with me."


"I think most of it is done, but I am worried I may have forgotten to add something, but you know my manager is a hard ass. And I have a feeling my senior is out to sabotage me."


"Maybe I can come by to your office around your lunch time? That way I can submit it before the day is over. Will you be free?"


"I didn't quite catch that. Is that a yes?"


"P' why are you facing away? I can't hear anything you are saying."

"I will help you tomorrow. Just come by around whenever you have time. I am sleepy now. Go to sleep. Goodnight."

"Alright. Goodnight P'."

And that was much easier said than done. My first humongous challenge was that I always sleep on my side. The side which would normally be facing Kong. And since I was adamant to not turn around all night there was no way I was going to get comfortable tonight. And I would be remiss if I didn't mention my second and probably the much bigger problem I was facing. I was massively turned on. Which was going to be pretty darn impossible for me not to be. And not for two seconds did I not understand that Kong was doing this on purpose. I don't exactly have any idea why he has come up with this new torture technique but one thing was sure that I was going to have an extremely uncomfortable night ahead.

After over an hour of trying to think of everything that could potentially subside my erection I was still unsuccessful and it seemed like my hard on had no intentions of ending any time soon, so I said fuck it to myself and switched to my preferred side of sleeping. I mean I how much worse could it get now. Atleast Kong had fallen asleep and I didn't need to pretend to sound normal while talking to him when I was clearly not feeling it.

But I stand corrected. It could definitely get a lot worse. Instead of trying to work down the annoying problem in my pants, now I was actively checking out his sleeping naked form. He had fallen asleep facing me as the soft moonlight through the curtains washed his body. My eyes lingered on his face for a while taking in his boyish looks. With his eyes shut, minus the cheeky grin and a peaceful, sleeping look on his face, he almost looked innocent. Almost. And this was probably the first time I had taken the time to look so closely at his features. I wonder how I hadn't noticed how long his black lashes were before or how straight his nose was or how plump his lips were.

But I don't think pondering over his lips while he was still asleep was such a great idea for my composure, so I continued the line of my vision lower to take in smooth neck, to his broad shoulders, to his muscled chest. I stared longer than necessary at his slightly protruding ribs, meeting with the smooth dips of his abs as they continued to his slender, toned waist partially covered with the thin blanket where I could make out the pronounced protrusion of his hip bone. My eyes retraced the path back up his torso, this time focusing on his long, dexterous fingers, up his strong arms, to his shoulders, his striking collar bone, back to his plump lips.

Until I finally raised my eyes all the way to meet his that were silently watching me observing him.    

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