Chapter 35

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Arthit's POV

Do you know what is worse than having my mom set me up at her own birthday party with some random girl? Said random girl blatantly flirting away with my boyfriend. It had taken less than 10 minutes after Kong opened his mouth for her to completely shift her overwhelming attention to him. Now I have to be honest, it might have hurt my pride for a split second, but that emotion barely had any time to linger cause I was left growling internally at the amount she giggled at everything he said. Which was all the freaking time cause my boyfriend is downright hilarious. And somehow I could just not manage to find anything remotely funny in this situation as I stood in a shadowed corner of the room across from where they were standing a little too close for my comfort. I kept staring holes into both of their heads while she blushed constantly, lightly hitting his arm before throwing back her back and laughing at some joke he must have cracked again. A joke that he should have been telling me by the way.

The gloomy, dark cloud looming over my head kept growing as Kong continued to downright ignore me through the evening while happily lapping up the attention she was showering him. I don't think it was possible for my frown to get any more pronounced. But once again, I stand corrected. Because here come the only two people capable of worsening my mood.

"Why the fuck are both of you here? Have you taken some sort of an oath to make my life a living hell?"

"You think I want to be here? My mom went ballistic when I told her I didn't want to come. She all but whooped my ass with 'I don't care about what problem you three have. Behave like an adult and show up with a nice gift.' I had no option but to come here."

"Ummm....yeah Arthit, my mom said pretty much the same thing."

"Oh, coming today was a problem for you? But you had no issues coming here last week and throwing up all about my date? I didn't realize how much of an asshole you are."

"What date?"

"Jay ran into me at the mall. Punched me right in the face. Then came sniveling to my parents and blurted out about me and Kongpob."

"You snitched on Arthit? Jay that is really, really low."

"Firstly, I barely grazed Arthit, in return I lost one whole eyebrow. Do you not see how obnoxious it looks. And please stop it with the high handedness. I just told them you were dating again so that your mom insists on meeting your girlfriend, and you would have to fess up about you and Nam. It's not like I went and told your folks something insane like you were gay or something."

"Shhhhhh.....will you shut the fuck up. I am not planning on broadcasting my relationship just yet. Will you please stop shoving me out the closet before I am ready?"

"What relationship?"

"Did you go temporarily deaf when I introduced my boyfriend to you?"

"Wait, wait, wait......that boy Kongpob who ripped off my eyebrow? You are actually dating him?"

Nam elbowed him hard in his stomach, while I whacked his head to essentially stop him from announcing my new relationship status to the entire family.

"But....but....he is boy...."

"Wow! Aren't you the new Sherlock Holmes."

" aren't.....that makes you....I are gay?"

I growled at the him as my frown got deeper, but atleast he was whispering instead of blaring out his lungs.

"This is a joke right? Both of you are just messing with me. You are not really gay."

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