Chapter 10

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Kong's POV

I groaned as I tried to get comfortable on the couch for the seemingly long night. I have a problem. It's almost like I am obsessed with the man. Which makes next to no sense to me. I don't get why I am so vested in P'Arthit's love life. In the past four weeks I have arranged for dates with four of my friends. The word arranged being the understatement of the century. It's more like planned every minute to the tiniest detail. And then I stay up until he is back shooting non-stop questions at him until he has basically relived the date again. Honestly, I am behaving like some romance obsessed teenage girl living my life through his love adventures.

Arrghh! I definitely need to find a better way to spend my Saturday nights. Focus slightly more on me for a change. I can't even remember the last time I went on a date myself. In fact the previous attempt to find one had ended up with me waking up in the hospital. I doubt I am ready to step into a club again anytime soon.

What is confusing to me is that I am not sure if I am disappointed or happy that each and every one of his dates have been a complete disaster. It should of course bother me that after the amount of effort I put in planning a perfect evening for P' and his date he somehow manages to completely screw it up. On the other hand for future reference now I know that a movie after 9 pm means P'Arthit will fall asleep, and snore. Loudly. But for some odd reason, it gave me some sort of perverse pleasure every time he recounted how much his evening sucked. Which logically made no sense at all. I couldn't enjoy arranging dates for him that much that I wanted it to never end. The goal was to get him a new girlfriend, but somehow it felt like that's not what I was working for anymore.

And that annoyed me. What am I even doing? He barely left an hour ago and yet I keep looking at the front door hoping his walks through it any second. Which couldn't possibly happen. Tonight was guaranteed to be a success. For once instead of keeping the girl in mind, today I had planned P'Arthit's perfect date. I had reserved his favorite sushi restaurant for dinner, followed by a live concert in the park by an up-coming band that he really liked. And finally wrapping the night up with wine and desserts in the park by the lake. I had even prepaid the bakery for all his favorite sweets. I mean he couldn't not enjoy tonight even if his date turned out to be a ghoul. Which honestly she wasn't. She was a perfectly pleasant girl.

Yet I turned around, half surprised, half excited, when I heard the key jingle right outside. He was back!

"Oh hi Kong. You are awake still?"

"P' It's barely 9. I think this has got to be a record of some kind. Did you even enter the restaurant before you turned right around to come back?"

"Of course I went in. We had dinner also. It just.....just wasn't ...ummm.....right."

"Uh huh. What was wrong this time?"

"She ate all my food."


"She didn't order anything. I kept asking her to order for herself but she kept saying she wasn't hungry. But as soon as my plate arrived she pounced on it like she hadn't ever seen rice or fish before."

" much are you exaggerating?"

"This time very little. I swear. She ate like half my dish."

"Why couldn't you just order another one?"

"Because by the time they brought that around I wouldn't have been hungry anymore."

"P' that is the lamest excuse I have heard. So what did you do then, just leave?"

"Of course not. I am not a monster you know. I took her home. Even packed an extra dish for her just in case she got hungry again after eating all my food. Oh by the way did you have dinner already? I brought back some sushi for you too."

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