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Arthit's POV

Many months after we had made up at the hospital we came by our second major fight. It started with something small and inconsequential. Not spending enough time at home. Not cleaning up around the apartment well enough. Spending too much time at work. He was slowly trying to take over his father's businesses. I for the first time was managing a larger team than I ever had. We were both over-stressed, under-rested, and most days our tempers ran high. And this one instance when Kong failed to let me know he would be late at work three days in a row and my nights ended without our customary 'love you' texts, I lost my cool. And it naturally led to raised voices and banged doors. With one of the rarer events occurring where I went to bed alone, still mighty upset at him. I rolled over in the middle of the night to still find the space next to me empty, instead a handwritten card sitting there patiently waiting to be read.

"P', all these months ago you asked me why I never said how much I loved you. At the time I didn't know what words to use to describe my feelings. Maybe writing them will be easier.

Love and hate. Happiness and grief. They are all such fleeting emotions. They come and go. Sometimes one wins over the other. We keep changing what we feel about the people around us. Sometimes we like them sometimes we don't. I love and hate so many things. So many people. But with you....with you it's just not the same. I can say I love you, but it simply doesn't feel enough. You aren't a part of an emotion I may or may not feel for others. You are my entire being. Every emotion I can ever feel somehow seems connected to you. When I am mad I want you to be the first to know. When I am excited about something I want to share it only with you. When I am angry it's about you. When I am happy it's because you put a smile there. It might sound crazy but I really don't think it's love I feel for you. I love my parents. I love my friends. But you, you are just a part of me. Telling you I love you will be as weird as saying I love myself. I mean, I do. But it's just so much more than that. I get mad at you, I get jealous, I get stupid, I throw a tantrum but more than any of that, I need you. You aren't simply an extension to me, you are the half that I need to complete me. You make me whole. Maybe I should say I love you more. But somehow that doesn't even begin to describe what you are to me. But I will say anything, do anything to show what your existence means to me.

I love you."

I sighed.

I kept re-reading the card in my hand, trying to process everything he had just tried to express to me. Gosh darn it! I can't possibly still remain mad at this crazy, romantic, idiot I was in love with. We had come so far together. And we still have such a long way to go. I know we will have many more fights in the future, but as long as we can still stay together, we will be ok. I slipped out of my room and into the spare bedroom where Kong was pacing a hole in the floor.

"Kong, let's go to bed."

"P', I...."

"Please don't say anything. I am on a personal high right now. Let's try to not ruin the moment."

"Okay. I love you, P'Arthit."

"I love you too. Now, not a word more."

Kong's POV

"P' can you hurry up please? You have been primping for over an hour. Nobody over there is going to be looking at you. Actually, nobody had better be looking at you."

You would be shocked to hear that we were about to head to P'Nam's wedding to Jay. And oh boy has it been a rocky road to get here. In the five years since my first meeting P'Nam, she and her soon to be husband have gone through nine iterations of breaking up and getting back together. Talk about volatile relationships, they were like a bunch of heavily shook up soda cans, just waiting to blow up with the slightest release in pressure. And blow up they did. All over our face. Cause every one of the nine times they broke up, we would find her with all her baggage, and trust me she has tons of that, outside our doorstep.

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