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Millie was a quiet girl, she kept to herself most times. She didn't have any friends except one, her name was Sadie and they had known each other ever since middle school they were complete opposites, but they were perfect together.

Millie had an okay relationship with her parents, her mom was always out at work late and her father Millie saw about two or three times a week, if she was lucky to see him at least once. Her father was always out of town on business trips.

Millie and Sadie told each other everything, they could trust each other more than their parents. Although Millie had Sadie, Millie liked to spend her time in this cafe downtown, about a five minuet walk from her school.

Millie discovered the cafe when she was 14, she took the longer way home and noticed the small wooden cafe at the corner. No one was ever really there because everyone had preferred Starbucks, so often times millie was the only person inside, which she enjoyed because she liked quiet places and hated crowded loud places like Starbucks.

Millie took Sadie there a few times, but after school Sadie would be busy with volleyball practices so it was just Millie.

Millie loved writing and it was her passion. Millie had been working on a story for about 4 months now, her life. Millie wanted to write about her life so one day she could look back and try to understand herself.

In the cafe she would sit on the blue sofa beside the window in the corner with her laptop, writing of course.

Millie wasn't like the other girls, most girls at her school would spend their Friday nights partying, while on the other hand she spent most of her nights at Dazed Cafe.

It was a Thursday night with Millie, as casual in the cafe finishing up some homework. She looked down at her watch and noticed she was past her curfew. She was shoving all of her things into her bag quickly. she was so caught up in her work , she didn't even realize the time. She quickly rushed out of the cafe and went straight home.

Millie threw herself onto her bed sighing in relief, her mom wasn't home yet so she wouldn't be in trouble.

Millie took a shower and changed into her pajamas after. She slipped into her bed and turned off her bedside lamp.

Millie grabs her backpack and digs around for about five minutes trying to find her phone. She rushes downstairs and grabs the House phone and calls her number, hoping someone found it.

After of a couple of rings, someone picks up. A boy picked up.

"He-hello" Millie speaks into the phone softly. "Hi, looking for a phone?" The boy responds back. "Y-yes can I come meet you at Dazed Cafe and pick it up?" Millie asks hoping the person didn't just run off with her phone.

"Yeah sure I'll be by the window on the sofa."
Millie smiles, she found the boys voice attractive. Stop it Millie it's a stranger for sake you can't think their voice is attractive.

Millie sets the phone back onto the wall and rushed up to her room, she changed into some black jeans and slips on her converse. She looks at herself in the mirror up and down and she is satisfied. She didn't change out of her shirt because it was just a simple band T-shirt.

Millie hops onto her skateboard and goes to the the cafe.

Mille walks in and hear the bell above her ring letting people know someone had entered or exited.

Millie's pov :

I walk over to the corner of the cafe and spots a tall freckled boy. I walk over to him and greet him.

"Hi I'm Millie, we spoke on the phone." Millie says shaking his hand. "Ah yes here you go" the boy says pulling her phone out of his pocket handing it to her.

"I'm Finn." Finn says with a soft smile. I gulp down and I can feel my nerves in my stomach toss and turn. Why am I nervous? It's just a boy Millie calm yourself.

"Uh I'm Millie" I respond trying to play it off cool.

"I've never seen you around here, are you new to town?" I ask Finn. "Yeah my parents got a divorced so my mother and I moved here from California."

"Oh I'm sorry" Was I rude ? Oh god now he's going to hate me. Now we won't be friends. Shit shit shit.

"It's fine my father was an alcoholic and he never did anything but fight with my mother, he never cared about me."

I felt bad for Finn, it must be hard to know your own father doesn't care about you.

"Will you be attending Hawkins high?" I ask.
"Yeah, do you go there?" Finn asks. "Yeah, I'm a junior." "Me too, maybe we'll have some classes together."

"Oh well, I'm late for curfew maybe we can out at school if you want? Since you're new, I can show you around." I offer him, wow I sound desperate.

"Yeah that'd be great actually."

Finn and I exchange each other numbers and that we talked most of the night, turns out we have a lot in common.

word count- 902 words

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