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"So, how are you finn?" Sadie asks flopping onto my bed next to me.

"We're good, how are you and Caleb?" She chuckles, "We're good too." She smiles.

"Hey! All of us should hang out! You know, me, you, Caleb, Finn, Gaten and Noah!" She shouts.

"That sounds great! Tonight?" She nods and I text Finn.

Me: hey finnie, wanna hang out with sades' and I tonight? ❤︎

Finn ❤︎ : hi gorgeous, sure I'd love to! The guys too? Or just me?

Me: no just you, me you and sades' are gonna get our nails done and watch heathers.

Finn ❤︎ : uhh okay I mean if me having painted nails making you happy, of course.

Me: finn! I was kidding but aww you're so sweet. I love you

Finn ❤︎ : I love you more ❤︎

Me: tell the guys to meet here at my house tonight at 8.

Finn ❤︎: alright I will, see you later love.

Me: see ya ❤︎

I place my phone down "He's telling the guys" I tell Sadie.

"Perfect, I just texted Caleb."

"So what are we doing anyways?" I ask.

She thinks for a moment, "hmm how about we have a sleepover?"

"Okay, sounds good plus my mom is not coming home until tomorrow, she's going out with friends. Should I order some food?" She nods and I call and order some pizza for the guys, while Sadie and I get some sushi.

Sadie and I get ready but not too ready since we were just having a sleepover.

"Oh! Text Finn for him and guys to bring snacks!" I nod and text him.

"Alright he's bringing them and Gaten is bringing pudding."

She giggles "he's probably going to marry pudding one day, he loves it so much." I laugh and nod.

A few minutes later the pizza boy, Tyler comes and gives us our pizza.

"Tip?" He asks

I give him 5 bucks and roll my eyes. "Thank you!" I say shutting the door.

I place the pizzas on the counter and go back upstairs to Sadie.

The doorbell rings and I open it to Caleb, Gaten, Noah, and the cutest person on earth.

"Come in guys." I smile opening the door.

The guys come in and Noah and Gaten rush over to the Wii and Caleb goes over to Sadie.

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