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Later that evening I invited Sadie to sleep over. I needed to explain everything to her. Sadie and I have been friends for years but she's been so busy lately with sports, being a part of the popular kids, and her boyfriend, Caleb. I barely even see her anymore.

"Sades!" I shout opening my arms welcoming her into a warm hug

"Mills, it's been too long!" She says hugging back tighter.

"Come in." I said opening the door.

Sadie and I walk upstairs to my room and we settle on my bed surrounded by many snacks and movies.

"So, whats the tea?" Sadie says shoving a handful of gummy worms into her mouth.

"Well, you know that cafe I always hang out at?" Sadie nods while grabbing more snacks and I chuckle.

"Well, i was studying one night and I accidentally left my phone there because I realized it was pass my curfew and I was in a rush to get home. It took me almost two hours to realize it was gone and when I did I immediately called it from the house phone. A boy picked up and said he had found it. We talked and got to know each other. Turns out he's in our grade. His name is finn." I tell her.

"Ooh someone's got a little crush." Sadie says tickling my side.

"What? No ew gross!" I say, moving her hands away.

"Oh Mills, come on, i was not born yesterday. It's so obvious you like him! The way you blushed when you said his name and how happy you sounded!" She says almost jumping on my bed.

"Okay sads' I think you've had too much sugar." I say chuckling.

"Oh come on I had a few gummy worms also, don't change the subject young lady!" She says tugging my arm.

"Okay okay fine. Maybe he's kinda cute but I'd never date him. It would just ruin our friendship and I don't want that." I say walking up to my dresser grabbing some more comfortable clothes to wear.

Sadie squeals and falls off the bed.

"Sadie, you haven't even met him yet!" I tell her climbing back into my bed.

"I don't need to meet him, silly, I already ship it." I roll my eyes at her.

"Have you guys kissed yet?" She asks resting her chin into the palm of her hand dragging the s'.

"Sadie!" I playfully slap her arm and she chuckles.

"I'll take that as a yes." She says with a smirk.

"No! No we haven't!" I say nervously gulping down the ball in my throat.

"Mhmmmmm" She says while scrolling through Netflix.

"Sadie?" I say sitting up facing her now.

"That's my name."

"Finn, he defended me, and um well he got beat up pretty bad."

"WHAT!" She says almost screaming in excitement. I quickly cover her mouth not wanting to wake my mother and father.

"Who beat him up?" She whispers softly.


"Millie hunny, i love you and all, but he's getting way out of control. He cheats on you, beats up people, and a few months ago he-

"Sadie stop!" I cut her off. I did not want her to finish that sentence. Yes, something happened a few months ago between Jacob and I but I have tried everything I can to forget it. But it's hard looking in the mirror every day without feeling guilt. My eyes began to water and I see Sadie in the corner of my eye rushing towards me pulling me into a warm hug.

"I'm sorry mills, that wasn't cool of me. I'm a terrible friend." She says squeezing me tighter.

"No you're not. It's okay I get it. Trust me I'd love to leave him, but we both know I can't do that, even if we involved the police. Jacob knows people, not to mention his father is a police officer and he would believe his son any day." Sadie nods and we just sit there hugging for a while.

She pulls away and grabs my hands. "Millie, everything is going to be okay, I promise, i will not let Jacob hurt you again like that. ever .

I slightly smile and hug her again.

"Thank you sads' you're the best."

"Of course, you're like my sister." She says rubbing her hands up and down my bike.

Once we pull away she chuckles. "So when will I get to meet the amazing dreamy finn?" I laugh and lightly roll my eyes.

I'm not gonna lie

Finn is kind of dreamy.

"Soon, possibly Monday at school." I tell her grabbing the remote playing "Weirder Stuff".

She nods and we both watch all of the episodes before crashing asleep.

Maybe I do like finn.

But that's what it will ever be, just a little crush. 

I can't date finn wolfhard, my best friend.

Liked by sadiesink_, finnieboi33, and 89 more

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Liked by sadiesink_, finnieboi33, and 89 more

milliebobbybrown: my number one.

{ tagged @ sadiesink_ }

calebmcrolandmcdonald: dats my girl ❤️

sadiesink_: my bestie for the restie <3

sadiesink_: aw ily @ calebmcronaldmcdonald . ❤️ Also, you need a shorter and better name.

finnieboi33: you're adorable mills. but what about me ?

maddiezeigs: aw so cute !

irisapplejack: ew wtf. thanks for ruining my feed.

milliebobbybrown: @ irisapplejack no problem ! : )

milliebobbybrown: @ finnieboi33 you're amazing finnie.

authors note: oh you guys are in for a bumpy ride hehe. hopefully you don't hate me : )

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