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^ that photo kills me ugh.

five years later

"honey, i'm home!" millie shouts shutting the door behind her.

"finn?" she walks into the living room covered with roses and candles all over the table.

"what is all of this?" she laughs.

"i love you." is all finn says placing is hands on her waist.

before she can respond he presses a soft kiss to her lips.

"i love you more, wolfhard." she smiles.

finn drops down on one knee and millie's eyes began to water.

"aw baby, don't cry." he says wiping a tear off  her cheek.

"millie bobby brown, thank you for being the best friend, girlfriend, person ever. i have no idea where i would be right now if you weren't here right now. i love you more than anything in this world. thank you for making me happy every second of the day. i have cherished every second for the past five years, good or bad. i love your sweet giggle, your warm cuddles, and man you are the gorgeous person i have ever laid eyes on. i want to spend the rest of my life with you. so, millie bobby brown, will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?

millie stands frozen hand over her mouth sobbing and barely nodding.

finn says as he rubs her hand with his thumb.

"yes, yes yes!" millie shouts crying.

finn picks her up from the back of her knees and kisses her, it wasn't rough, it was soft, gentle, passionate and full of love.

" i love you, my fiancé."

"and i love you back." millie giggles.

- one year later -

"sadie, what if he runs off and says no." millie says fidgeting with her engagement ring.

"mills, you are being absolutely ridiculous. that boy is head over heels for you. he would never." 

everyone is seated in their seats, millie's family on the right, finns on the left, and their friends in the center.

sadie and caleb had gotten married two years before and last year had a baby girl named erica. gaten met a girl named grace in college and they were beautiful together. noah had also met a girl, her name was maddie and noah was planning to propose soon. millie's mom, winona, met david while millie and finn were in college and they got married 3 years ago.

"and do you finn wolfhard take millie bobby brown to be your lawfully wedded wife."

finn nods, "hell yes i do." millie chuckles and blushes even after six years he had the effect on her.

"and millie bobby brown, do you take finn wolfhard to be your lawfully wedded husband."

millie nods "i do." she says softly.

"you may n- "

but before the priest can finish finn cups millie's face and kisses her oh so beautifully.

everyone cheers and sadie cried.

everyone cheers and sadie cried

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" and that's the end of our story hunny. " millie says as she kisses her daughters head.

"mommy tell me another one!" their daughter elle cheers.

"i think it's time for bed hunny, you have preschool tomorrow." finn says.

"aww okay." elle frowns.

millie climbs out of her small bed and kisses her forehead and finn does the same.

"goodnight hunny." her parents say, standing in the doorway, finn turing off her light while millie turns on her ladybug lamp.

"mommy, you almost forgot your phone."

millie laughs and picks up her phone from elle's nightstand.

"wouldn't be your first time." finn chuckles.

the end ❤︎

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