The Blades of Mamora

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   Keith: Who am I? I ask myself this almost everynight as I look at this blade. What does it's symbol mean? How is it linked to me? Why did father give it to me? And no- I hear marching. Shiro. I put the blade under my pillow. He knocks. "Come in!" He opens the door and looks straight at me. "Everyone is needed in the main room. We found something." I follow him with the questions still lingering in my head. We make it to the main room where everyone else is. Allura looks at us. "I'm glad everyone is here." Coran nods and looks back at the map of some hole. "These strange black holes are sending a signal of sorts, but we don't quite know what it is yet." Hunk speaks. "Anything Pidge?" She grumbles. "I found something, but I don't know what. The Blades of Mamora?" She questions it, but Allura and Coran frown. Shiro looks at them. "Do you know who they are?" Allura clicks her teeth, and Coran shows worry. Allura looks at us. "They are said to be a group of rebellions against Zarkon." Lance smiles. "Aren't we the same as them? What's so ba-" Allura slams her hand, surprising everyone. Coran comforts her as he speaks. "Well the problem is, is that they are also Galra." Allura grits her teeth as she seethes in anger. "You just can't trust any Galra. Not Zarkon and not the Blades." I start to frown in disapproval. "That isn't fair to them." Allura glares at me, but I hold my ground. Lance tries to step in, but Shiro intervenes all together. "Hey no need to get worked up." I look in disbelief with all of this ill intent in the atmosphere. Pidge starts to feel uneasy. "I mean, can we really not trust them? We have very little allies on our team Princess." I look closer at the map. "I mean we should want their help. Their race shouldn't matter if they have the same goals as us." Shiro nods. "He's right." Allura looks at us as if she feels like she's been betrayed. "How can you guys say that after fight and fighting against Zarkon and his fleet! You've seen the things they've done to other people!" I glare at her. "Yeah well these Galra weren't a part of that so how can say that about them!"

              The room gets thick with negative emotions. Shiro ends it. "We'll send one lion to check it out; if it is at all suspicious we will attack and make our escape if we have to." Hunk intervenes. "We aren't using my lion.... right?" "No Hunk, we'll need an agile and strong lion to go against the black holes." Lance is probably thinking Shiro is gonna say Blue, but I know. I put my hand on Shiro's shoulder. "We'll take Red. She's the right one to choose." Shiro nods. "You're right. Keith and I will take the red lion and check them out." Lance shakes his head. "Why only you two!?" Shiro looks a him and sees how he wanted to be the one to go. "Because the red lion is smaller and can only hold two people." Lance still looks angry, but he doesn't say anything else. "Well Keith, we should get going." I nod as they all look at us with questions, but they say nothing. I go to my room and take my blade, and put it where it belongs. Right on my backside. I want to learn about you, and your mark. I feel like this ship will give me the answers I want.

              We get in Red and leave with the disapproval of many, but at this point, that's not my problem. I feel reassurance as Shiro puts his hand on my shoulder. We get in front of the black holes and I can feel the ship. I go with my gut and we get closer and closer. Shiro tighten his grip. "Keep going, Keith." I nod as I keep going. I then make the turn. The pull of the black holes try to suck us in, but I keep my grip and inch further away. Red starts to struggle, so I give a boost on it. "Come on Red!" We keep our grounds, and finally get out of it's grip. Shiro looks through the eyes and sees the secret base. "That must be them." We land Red and walk to the door. The door opens. We walk in and look around; when suddenly Galra show up. They prepare to attack, and so do we. It all comes to an end when they see my blade. "Where did you get that!?" I look at their blades and see they are the same. "It was my mother's.... what does it mean and why was it given to me?" They glare at me. "If your mother had it.... that means she was Galra, and so are you." My very being shook. I'm.... Galra? I shake my head in disbelief. Why do I not even show any physical traits then!? I look human, and yet I have their genetics in my blood!? No. I can't look away. I need to face this head on. Nothing will change if I don't try. "I want to know more." They look at me surprised by the words that were just said, but then the deny me. "We can not trust you; you must first pass our tests!" I look at the dagger once more. I will do this.

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