Chapter 37 "Casualty":

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Gabe's POV:
We made it back to the new frontier's base where we parked the motorcycle and went to go find the rest of our group. "KATE!!! ELEANOR!!! MARLON!!!! KENNY!!! Where are you?!" Clem and I shouted simultaneously out load. We ran around the now discarded place as we couldn't find a single one of them. "Gabe, we've looked everywhere and we still can't find them. Maybe they're...." Clem said as I knew what she was going to say and I just couldn't accept it. "No, they can't be. They've go to be out here somewhere. They have to be." I said as I started forming tears at the thought of them all being dead. Clem then walked over to me and gave me a hug and a kiss on my fore head as I hugged her back. "Gabe, I'm so sorry. I wish they were here, but I told you that it wouldn't end well for everyone no matter what you chose." She said as we let go of each other and she cupped my cheek with her hand as the rain poured down on both of us. "Gabe, what you need to do now is stay st...." She started to say until we felt the sound of someone approaching us from behind.
We quickly turned around with our guns pointed towards whoever was approaching us until we realized it was Kate. "KATE!!" We yelled out as we ran to her and gave her a big hug to which she returned. "I'm so glad you too are alright. I was worried that you wouldn't make it back." She said as Clem raised her eyebrow and jokingly replied, "Thanks for the confidence in us, I guess." We let go of each other as I held on to Clem's waist as she held her hand in mine. "So, where are all the other captured people?" I asked her. "Well we were able to get them the same new frontier hostage trucks they were taken in and they are currently on their way home." She said. "Also, we took a lot of the supplies the new frontier stole including baby supplies like formula, bottles, clothes, baby food, bibs, stuffies, a shit ton on diapers, baby toys, pacifiers, and blankets." Kate continued as Clem and I looked at each other with joy. "That's great!! We could really use all that stuff for the baby. Thank you." We told her as Kate nodded her head and said, No problem, guys. I'll do anything I can to help you with your baby."
"We really appreciate that, Kate." Clem said. "So, where is everyone else?" I asked as we then saw Kate's smile disappear and hang her head. "Kate, what's wrong? Are you ok?" I asked her concerned as I put a hand on her shoulder. "Just... just come with me." She said as she instructed us to follow her as we did just that. When we got to where she wanted us to go, we saw Kenny, Eleanor, and Marlon sitting around something. We went to go see what they were surrounding and saw Rick on the ground in pain while holding his neck. Clem and I looked at each other and horror ale looked back to the rest of the group. "What the hell happened?!" I asked them worried for Rick. "We were fighting the walkers when three of them knocked Rick to the ground. That was when Rick... got bit." Eleanor admitted as I was in shock by her words.
"Oh my god Rick, I am so fucking sorry. I should have... I should've been her to he...." I began to apologize until Rick put his opposite hand on my shoulder. "Gabe... don't... don't you apologize, boy. You did the right thing being there for your girl. It's me who... should have been more careful." Rick said as the whole group started tearing up except for Eleanor who barely had any interaction with him. "I still wish I could have done something. Maybe I could have saved you." I still said feeling guilty. "It's ok Gabriel. I'm... I'm going to see my wife again. And that gives me courage." He said as I still felt bad for him.
"Eleanor?" He hen asked as the group backed up a little so that Eleanor could be next to me. "What is it, Eleanor?" Kate asked him as more blood spilled out of his neck wound. "I need you to... promise me that you'll take care of my daughter, Judith for me. Do you... Promise?" He asked as she now began to cry uncontrollably. "Yes, Rick. You have my word." She answered as Rick grinned at her response. "Good. And Kate? He then asked us. "Yes, Rick?" She asked crying as well. "You... are in charge of Alexandria now. I'm counting on you to make it a better place to live and for you... to lead it to a bright future." He said as he looked at me with hopeful eyes. "I will. I... I promise." She said to him as that made him grin even more. "And Gabe and Clem?" He then asked as we moved in front of himself. "Tell your child about me. About how much... I considered you friends. And to always... take care of each other." He said as what he said reminded me of my father's last words. "You know we will." I told him as Clem followed me up by saying, "Everyday."
"Then goodbye to you all. I'll miss you." He said as he pulled out his pistol and pointed it towards his own head. "We'll miss you too." We all said as he then smiled one last time and pulled the trigger as his lifeless body hunched forward lifeless. At that moment, I stepped away from the rest of the group just to soak in up what had just occurred. On the one hand, I don't regret going to with Clem as she could have been the one in this situation and if she died, I couldn't keep on living. But on the other hand, I knew I could have done something to save Rick. As I was thinking, Clem appeared behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist from behind. "I think we should at least bury him." She said as I just nodded. We buried Rick out near the entrance of the base as we then began to head back home not in happiness over our successful mission, but with sadness over the loss of one of our closest friends.

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