Chapter 7

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Allison's p.o.v.

The next day at school is nerve racking. For the first time i wasnt as confident walking in school. My palms are sweating as i walk down the hallway. People look at me with sympathy and sadness in their eyes. I hated this treatment. I hate being treated like a helpless case or a rich girl that just turned poor.

I stab my palm with my thumb and walk faster. Head held high.

Was I on the verge of defeat?

I walk up to my locker to find letters and balloons telling me to "Get well soon."

I groan silently. Too much sadness.

Someone from behind me places their hands on my shoulders,"Hey Allie cat. How you doin gurl?"

I grab my books and slam my locker shut.

"Robby... we need to talk."I turn around to face him and he rubs my shoulder.

"Of course honey."

I mutter "Not now! Later in private...." I look around to see if anyone is eavesdropping.

He nods," I totally understand." He puts a hand to his heart and smiles.

I smile,"Thanks Robby." Then i walk to first period. English class.

When i walk in people start to whisper.

"She must be devasted."

"They loved each other so much."

"I cant believe this happened."

All examples of what i heard about me.

After class ended, I fast walked out of there avoiding everyone. There was no way I wanted to talk to anyone right now besides Robby.

But  I failed. At lunch Amberly, Natalie, and Misty sat with me, they were quiet at first until Misty put her hand on mine.

"Please talk Allie."

I look up at them. I wasnt as sad as they thought i was. I hated Bradley for what he was going to make me do that night at the party. I think of sad things thats going on in the world. My eyes fill up with tears and Misty hugs me.

"Oh Allie!" All of my friends gather into a group hug around me. I sniffle a little and sob. 

Yep. So sad.

When they finally pull away, I take a deep breath and pretend to wipe away tears.

"Ok! Sorry about that guys!" I fan my face. They smile sadly at me and hold my hand.

"You know we love you Allie." Natalie says with sincerity in her eyes.

I smile at them,"I love you too."

Suddenly i feel very guilty about fake crying.

"Excuse me." I stand up and walk to the bathroom.

I lock the main door and look into the mirror. Why was i feeling guilty? I shouldnt be.

I dig through my small Luis Vuitton purse to find my phone. But something catches my eye.

A piece of folded paper.

I open it reluctantly and read-

Allison, your innocence act isnt fooling me. You're a killer and we all know it.



I frown. Innocence? Killer? None of this made any sense. Suddenly someone knocks on the door.

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