Chapter 13

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Friday- 2:00 p.m.

Justin's p.o.v.

I stand in my suite as people set up for the party. School is almost over for Allison and i am excited for everyone to be here. My mom walks in with a phone to her ear and her hair in a messy ponytail. She is wearing black tights and a red tank top with Puma sneakers.

"Justin! Go online and find out what else you need for the party!"

I frown,"But i have everything."

She rolls her eyes,"I know honey, but knowing you i think you'll probably want more and i dont want to get things last minute."

I smile,"You're right. I'll look ma."


I grab my laptop and kiss her cheek as she walks away. Then i open my laptop which goes to Google homepage. The news and gossip pages automatically pops up. I shrug. It wouldnt hurt to see whats the gossip. Moving the mouse to celebrity gossip, I click on it and scroll through the page. A lot of it was just about Kristen Stewart cheating on Rob. I sigh and scroll down to things that were posted a day or days ago.

I scan the screen slowly then stop when I see news for Harry Styles. Apparently Harry was caught kissing some girl in front of a suite. Sources say that this girl is very known. She is a model who has recently modeled for Louis Vuitton. Her name is Allison Harvard.

My heart stops when i read the name. Allie is with Harry Styles. Tears fill my eyes as i look at the picture of them kissing. I am too late. Too late to tell her how i feel. Too late to ask her how she feels.

I slam my laptop shut and cover my face with my hands. Being in love with a girl i cant have is the worst feeling. But this is just the beginning of it.

Allison's p.o.v.

I sit in class thinking about two boys. Harry and Justin. I didnt even know Harry as well as Justin, but i planned too. I've known Justin for my whole life. When we were dancing yesterday, i can see something in his eyes. He was trying to tell me something but i still cant figure out what. Suddenly the bell rings and a bunch of students file out of the classroom.

I gather my books and walk down the hallway with my head held high. When i reach my locker i find a group of girls waiting for me. I ignore them as i shove my books in my locker.

One of them with curly brown hair and a plaid head band clears her throat.

I slam my locker shut and they all jump. Of course they are afraid of me. Why? I dont know.

"Oh! Hi i didnt see you there!" I smile and cock my head.

A red head standing right of the girl with the plaid headband whispers," um...we just need to ask you something."

I nod urging them to go on.

A girl with black straight hair standing left of "plaid headband" responds,"Um...we were wondering....if know...."

I frown,"What?"


Plaid headband girl sighs and says really fast,"Wewantedtoknowifyouwillbekindenoughtogetusinto JustinBiebersparty!"

She takes a deep breath and they all wait for my answer.

"Um....sorry i cant. He has a list of people who are invited and the parties today so if i told him i invited other people, he'll probably say no."

They nod,"Okay...well can we at least talk to him?"

I glare,"Your just using me to get into Justins party." I walk away quickly and find Amberly while wannabe girls follow me so they can get invited to Justin's party.

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