Chapter 11

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Sorry i havent written anything for a while, i went to the beach on Tuesday and yesterday I went swimming. But now im back :) hope you enjoy this chapter!

Allison's p.o.v.

After dinner, he drove me back home. It was already 9:00 but i can care less. I never wanted this perfect night to end.

He pulls up in front of my penthouse and sighs.

"Whats wrong?"

He smiles sadly,"I didnt want this night to end."

I smile happily,"Me neither."

He takes my hand in his and I shiver at his touch. "We should do this some other time."

I nod,"I would love that."

His face brightens,"Really?"

I giggle,"Yes. It was really fun."

He rubs his thumb on my palm and I breathe hard.

Ugh. Even the smallest things from him drove me nuts!

"You okay?"

I clear my throat," fine."

I can feel my face turn bright red. Ugh.

"I....I should go inside."

He nods,"Okay, well....we should go to the movies or something."

I look up surprised,"The movies?"

He laughs,"I know its not the best idea but...I think it would be fun."

I swallow hard. I havent exactly been to the movies for a long time! The last time i went to the movies was when i was about 5 years old. I watched some movie that I didnt remember. I hardly remembered what it was about or what i even wore.

"Allie...we dont have to go if you dont want to...."

"Yea i do want to....its just..."


"I havent.....been there.....for a long time."

He looks at me surprised. I look down sadly.

"Whens the last time you've been there?"

"When i was five."

He lets out a breath,"why havent you been there recently?"

"Im always busy! I have no time to go."

"Busy? With your modeling?"

"And dance."

He laughs,"Allison, how long have you been modeling and dancing?"

"Since I was six."

" Do you ever take a break?"


"Do you plan to?"

I stop think about it. Then i shake my head.

"Why not?"

"Because i need to help my mom and besides i like modeling and dancing."

He frowns, "Dont you ever get tired of it?"

In my mind i answered yes. I was getting tired of modeling. But dancing was fun. Though I'd like if i can only go to dance class two times a week instead of three.

Harry suddenly pulls me into a hug.

"Its okay to be a normal person. We all get tired. Im taking a break until our second album comes out. The only thing we do is go to photo shoots."

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