The Meeting (Part 2)

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Me and Jack are separated in 2 rooms, in which we have very little time to talk to our family before we are sent to the Capitol. First, I talk to my little brother. 

"Don't call my name out loud, Wesley, you could've gotten shot by a Peacekeeper!" I say to him.

"Im sorry!" he says innocently, "I was just trying to make sure you were okay!"he says. Wesley starts to cry out of fear of me not coming back I suppose. I try to calm him down but it doesn't do the trick of course, so my mom takes him outside while I talk to my dad.

"Listen Thorburn," he says "Remember all of the things you've learned in summer camp. You know how to find food and shelter." he says. Its true, I do know how to see the difference between something poisonous and something edible. I can make shelters our of sticks, rocks, etc. I just hope they have those things, or else, Im out of luck. Maybe I could survive, well, if it really came down, Jack would probably win if it came between the two. I did however take martial arts, even though it costed a fortune, but I hate hurting people. Just not my thing. Thats the thing with our tributes in 5, we're not exactly that good at fighting, and when we try to, it looks horrible, so I kind of have an advantage here. The Peacekeepers come and take my dad away.

"I love you Thorb-," and the door slams shut. Im then escorted at the end of the place, where I see Jack's family members, an older brother with blond hair and glasses, a mom with red hair, a dad with dirty blond hair, and two little twin sisters with blond hair. We go on a train with luxurious furniture and race to the Capitol. I see the two mentors at the table, Venture Allardyce and Gliese Dugald. Adiar enters the train as well. 

"Well, here's our tributes for this years Hunger Games!" Adiar says with a smile.  "Don't they just look amazing?!?!" He says, I kind of step away from him, since he's so weird, and so does Jack.

"Of course they do!" Venture says. She has this personality of like a military officer. Strong, cold, and hard. 

"Alright then!" Gliese says, and jumps right into survival. "Well, what do you want to learn when it comes to survival in the Games?" He says eagerly. 

"Well," Jack says, "What about keeping yourself warm?" he says.

"Ah, nice question," Gliese says. "Well, you probably know how to start a fire, but make sure the smoke isn't rising to the point where another tribute could potentially see it." He says, "God forbid it be a career. So, you could do this in a cave with it being save, and block the entrance with some rocks or degree. Chances are, if there is a cave, then theres rocks. But this technique obviously applies in a forest, mountains, etc.

Then I ask a question, "What about defending yourself?" I ask. Gliese responds by saying, "Well, try not to kill during the bloodbath, not a smart choice, there are so many tributes fighting for supplies at that time that its just a mess. The best thing that you can do is avoid going in the arena for the first couple of days, just incase the careers are camping there." I take note of his advice. After we chat a bit, I go find some tapes of the past victors and their Hunger Games. I watch the one 8 years ago.

 Gliese notices it and says, "Mm, that was a great year." I don remember seeing it, so I press play for the 32d year. Theres the reaping scene, but the one that takes the longest is District 9, since the person who won that year came from there. A tall, muscular girl volunteers for a smaller girl, maybe her sister or something, or a friend. During the parade, the district dresses as farmers as usual, so theres nothing special for her or her district partner. She acts quiet but lethal during her interview, and she wears a yellow dress. During the countdown, I and the others get to know that the arena was an desert, with an occasional cactus in sight. This year was also quite special, as the only thing they had in the arena was hammers. Laurel kills her district partner and another boy. She later makes an alliance with another girl,  her height, but she has more muscle. She gets killed by a scorpion sting. A little bit later, its just Laurel, and the tributes from 2, who are too far away from Laurel, so they start to kill each other. Both people end up bleeding to death, making Laurel the victor. After watching hers, I go explore the train. Theres some food, empty shelves, and other things you'd expect to see in a house 10 times better than mine. Anyways, I can't resist to fall of the bed, which is so soft I could go to sleep in seconds, which is exactly what I do.

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