Chapter 4

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I'm still on the couch when Maiah walks in. she comes and sits by me.

"What's wrong."

" T-Theo a-and I got in a fight. Z-Zoe i-is m-moving to New York. And she has an U-ulcer."

"Chloe! That's horrible."

"I just don't know what to do."

"Let's go outside."


She grabs my hand and takes me outside.

"Hey guys." I say

"Hey! How's the baby?" Shai asks

"In my stomach."

"That's good!"

"Oh shut up."


"Well I'm gonna go surfing." I walk back to my house.

I walk upstairs and put in my wetsuit.

I walk downstairs and go into the closet and grab my surfboard. Then back outside.

I see Maiah and Shai sunbathing, Amanda looking for seashells, Riley talking to boys, and Olivia making a sandcastle.

"Hey." I say.

Maiah sits up and waves.

Shai says "Hey."

Olivia, Amanda, and Riley don't hear me.

"Alright I'm going to go surfing." I say

"Ok." Shai and Maiah say

I go to the waves and start to swim out. I swim all the out to the end of the pier.

I see a giant wave so I swim farther out. The wave gets really close, so I stand up on my board. I start to ride the wave.

The wave starts to create a tunnel perfect I think to myself. I move to get into the tunnel so at least if I wipeout I won't be trampled by a ton of water.

I start to see the end if the tunnel, but the tunnel is also getting smaller. I start to panic. I get closer and closer to the end, but it's getting smaller and smaller.

I get out of the tunnel just in time, then I wipeout.

When I get out of water I hear someone yell "SHARK! SHARK! GET OUT OF THE WATER!"

I start to panic because I see the fin getting closer and closer to me.

I think to myself ok well I can try to out swim it but that will be extremely difficult, and then there are kids close enough that the shark could get to them.

So I do the first thing that comes to me, I jump on the board. Right when the shark fin gets close to me I jump right onto it.

When I on it I realize it's a great white. It starts to wiggle and try to shake me off. I think to myself I can't let this thing shake me off or else it'll bite me.

I start to steer it farther away from shore. I quickly jump off and kick it in the eye. I swim as fast as I can to shore.

I yell "Yes!"

I walk over to shore and I'm piled with questions like "Are you bit?", "Are you crazy?", "Your really brave aren't you?", "Aren't you Theo James fiancé?" I can't believe people already found out about that.

I walk over to Maiah and Shai who and trying to push their way through the crowd.

"Oh my god thank god your ok!" Maiah yells

"Chloe you have me a heart attack. I thought you were bit!" Shai yells

"Well there is two things to cross off my bucket list. Having an encounter with a shark, and surfing through a tunnel."

"Chloe!" Shai yells "That's not what's important! What's important is that your ok."


A news lady come over to me and asks "Is it alright if I ask you some questions?"

"Ya that's fine."

"Why did you jump on the shark?"

"Well I knew I couldn't out swim it, or if I had I would've brought it closer to children."

"That's amazing! I'm honestly honored to talk to you!"

"Aw thanks."

"What went through your mind as you heard someone yell shark?"

"That I had to make sure people were safe even if I died trying."



"One last question if you died out there is there anything you wanted to let anyone know."

"Um I don't know actually. I guess Theo if your watching this I want you to know I love you with all my heart."

I hear someone behind me "I love you too."

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