Chapter 2

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She woke up in the early hours of the morning, as she opened her eyes she saw her brother sleeping peacefully so slowly got out of the bed careful to make sure not to wake him up. She picked up some clothes and went into the bathroom to change so she wouldn't have to come back in the room seeing as she wasn't going to get back to sleep any time soon. As she wandered around the compound she found the kitchen which happened to contain a large amount of food, and decided to cook breakfast she made enough for everyone knowing Gabe would eat most of it even though he didn't need food seeing as he was an angel. As she was cooking she remember her experience in hell and purgatory and what she found out there, she was brought out of her memories by someone's footsteps, when she saw what looked like a suit she knew it was Elijah, he was always the first one up. As he walked into the kitchen because of the smell being emitted from the food being cooked he saw Isabelle over the hob looking as if she was remembering something. Seeing as he didn't want to intrude he didn't make himself know but she snapped out of the thought and looked up to see Elijah staring at her in confusing and intrigue. She didn't want to say anything so just waved it off, seeing this Elijah asked, "Why are you up early?" hoping it didn't have anything to do with what she was thinking about.

"My mind is used to getting up around this time or not sleeping for very long so it makes it more difficult to get back to sleep and I didn't want to wake Stefan so I figured I would just get up and cook some food, you?" This then started a very long conversation about random things between the two and even though she already knew the answer to why Elijah was up early she felt the need to ask. After a while all the food was cooked and people started to wake up, when Stefan reached the kitchen relief flooded his face at seeing his sister knowing that he was dreaming of her return.

Everyone sat around the table laughing at random things and Isabelle couldn't have been happier until she heard her phone ring. She looked to see who was calling and saw it was Cas so she answered, "Cas?" she questioned after a few moments of answering.

"Isabelle?" After her name left his mouth she her rustling and arguing in the background most likely from Sam and Dean.

"Yeah, it's me, what did you call me for?"

"We need your help."


"...Your father." After hearing that the phone slipped from Isabelle's hand as she fell to her knees when memories flooded through her. Tears flowed down her face as she remembered the pain her caused her and how everything that she has gone through is all because of him. Gabe ran to her and cupped her face making her look at him snapping her out of her thoughts. She quickly picked up her phone and said to Cas, "I want nothing to do with that man be sure to give him a punch for me." She then hung up before Cas could say anything and walked away from everyone to the one place she could be on her own.

As she sat on the swing in her quiet place that she found years ago but didn't tell anyone about she cried for what felt like hours remembering hell and the torture she went through for years because the demons wanted her to 'go bad' but she didn't until they threatened her with her soulmate not knowing who he was to her and she lost it killing all of them and burning hell after that she went to purgatory in order to get control of her powers whilst getting control she began to remember conversations she eavesdropped in, the pain her father caused her and erased and the information she was told by some of the people in purgatory. When she finally gained control, she asked God to let her out seeing as her was waiting for her to ask and so he did, when she was free the first thing she asked him was, "Is it true?" dreading the answer but needing it.

"Yes." Was all he said to her, after hearing that one word she broke down. God sat with her until she had composed herself and was ready to go see her family again.

Whist thinking over all of it, she figured it was time to return to the compound so she wiped away the tears that were still falling and walked back. When she walked through the gates everyone looked at her in relief but also worry after seeing how bad she really was. Gabe ran over to her and hugged her with Stefan joining. She could see that everyone had the same question on their mind, what happened to her over sixteen years?

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