Chapter 3

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Questions flowed out of everyone's mouths however she wasn't answering any of them. She was just sat there listening to everyone ask questions while she just stared at a wall. Out of all the people in the room one noticed that she wasn't paying attention and called out, "Isabelle?" at hearing her name she moved her head towards the voice and raised her eyebrows at him.

"Hmm." she hummed in response showing she was listening just choosing to ignore everyone. At this everyone stopped talking and looked at her in understanding and stopped questioning her. Even though he was annoyed, Gabe left Isabelle to her thoughts understanding she would tell them when she was ready no matter how long that may take.

Once everyone stopped with the questions and pitying looks Isabelle left the room and went to hers where she called for Chuck, the only person who knew what was going on with her. When he showed up in her room she is grateful to have someone to talk to about the situation. Chuck knew why she called for him at the first glance of her face he knew what was wrong and he hugged his granddaughter whilst saying, "You need someone other than me to talk to."

"But I'm scared that when I tell them they will leave me, leaving me even more broken."

"They won't leave you, Belle. You are their family."

"He's coming, I can feel him, he's getting closer. I'm scared, Chuck."

"And you have every right to be, but tell them that he is coming and that you need help finishing the cage and then when you are ready tell them the rest. Maybe tell them whilst your there, Maze knows the truth, talk to her about it. She is just as scared as you are about the whole situation." As he said this Isabelle began to realise that what he was saying was true. Even though she was upset that Maze didn't tell her she knew why and could forgive her for keeping it from her. When Isabelle fell asleep, Chuck removed himself from her room to find his son, Gabriel, and told him to look after her and not to push her into telling him anything. When he was done with that, knowing Gabe understood what he was saying/asking he left hoping Isabelle would be okay going back to hell in order to finish the one thing that could lock away her father for good with the help of the people she now called family.

When Isabelle finally decided she should get out of bed and got tired of hearing Gabe complain to her, through the mind link they have from their bond, about the fact that she isn't up yet. As she walked down the stairs she decided that she was going to ask for the help of her family, "Morning, look I know it's a bit last minute but I need your help."

"What with?" Gabe abruptly asked.

"Locking my father away for good." she answered honestly by this point everyone was listening and Chuck had joined them just in case.

"How do you intend on doing that? And why do you want to lock him away?" Elijah asked.

"Well, you see, when I randomly disappeared for a few days or months me and Maze were building and extra part to the cage that was going to be filled with torment specifically for my father since he is worse than Mikael and he is literally the devil." with that everyone agreed although they still had questions the left them until later. Once she knew who was going she asked Chuck to get a door ready as soon as possible and for everyone to get some necessities but no electronics since its hell and she burnt it down so tech doesn't exactly work there anymore. When everything was sorted and the door was ready they all walked through to be met with Maze and the cage, "I see you brought help." Maze commented as they began to descend the stairs.

"Well we are going to need it if we are to finish this in time. You may be a demon Maze but I need to channel more power in order to stop my father's abuse." After hearing the last few words Maze began to realise what Isabelle was really saying.

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