Chapter 13

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When she got there, the place was in utter chaos. Demons and vampires everywhere and her family in the middle.

"What is going on?" she almost screamed gaining everyone's attention. As she did that she mentally told Jenna she could appear at any time whilst telling her the situation she was in.

"Well, love, you see these demons decided to barge in unannounced looking for you. We wouldn't tell them and Marcel's men appeared to help but as you can see that didn't turn out to well and so now we are having a civil discussion about what is to happen next."

"No need for discussions when all you need to do is find a way to scare the black-eyed creatures." Jenna said as she walked through the door and stood next to a smirking Isabelle.

"Perfect timing as always. Now, would you like to fight or save yourselves and leave because I'm sure me and my friend here wouldn't mind if you chose the first option." Isabelle said causing all the demons to leave.

"Well that was easy. Now which one of you is Kol?" Jenna asked causing Isabelle to move her head so she was looking upwards and groan.

"Jenna, pleasure to see you again." Gabe said smiling and Jenna smiled back.

"Are just going to stand there or are you introduce people to me?" Jenna sassily asked causing Isabelle to glare at her.

She began pointing at people as she named them, "My youngest brother, Stefan, the middle sibling, Damon, I have no idea when he arrived but hey the more the merrier. Then we have Nik, Cami, Kol, Bekah, Marcel, Elijah, Hayley, Hope, Sam, Dean and Cas. Everyone this is Jenna."

"What are they?" Jenna asked.

"Well, Stefan is an angel, vampire hybrid, Damon a demon, vampire hybrid, Nik is the original werewolf, vampire hybrid, Cami is a vampire, the other Mikaelson's are original vampires although I have a surprise for one, Marcel is a weird upgrade of an original, Hayley is a werewolf, vampire hybrid, Hope, a werewolf, vampire and witch tribrid, dunno if that's the correct term but we are going with it. Then the Winchester brothers are hunters, as you know, and Cas is an angel." Isabelle explained.

"What is she?" Damon asked.

"She is a demon, witch hybrid."

"How?" Damon asked again

"Well she went to hell became a demon but didn't lose her which powers." Gabe answered before Isabelle.

"Lucky." Kol whispered causing Isabelle to smirk and look at him in sympathy.

"Wait, that's her?" Cas asked causing both Isabelle and Gabe to nod. After the introductions were over with, Isabelle pulled Jenna away to her room and grabbed some ingredients.

"What are you doing?" Jenna asked.

"I need your help. I need to channel your power." Isabelle explained quickly.

"Why?" Jenna asked curious as to what her friend was doing, "Wait has this got something to do with your plan for one of the original vampire?"

Isabelle nodded before explaining further, "When Kol was younger he had managed to tap into his magic. He loved it but when he was turned into a vampire it was taken away. He was killed by Jeremy Gilbert and was brought back by his mother but was put into the body of a witch, he was then killed again and brought back by Davina Claire but in his vampire body seeing as it was his original bodies ashes used to bring him back. I want to give him his magic back. I know they spell and I have all the ingredients, I just need your help in completing the spell." she looked up at Jenna hoping she would agree to it.

"You are the sweetest soulmate. Kol is one lucky guy. I'll help." Isabelle sighed in relief happy to have Jenna's help. Isabelle put all the ingredients in and in the correct order and used the ashes of a dead witch and drew the power out to place into Kol. Jenna and Isabelle began the spell and they could feel the transfer of the power and when they knew it was in Kol they stopped the spell and put everything away before walking out. Jenna walked to the living room to talk to Gabe and Isabelle went to Kol's room she knocked on the door and when she heard a muffled, "Come in," she entered.

"Hey," she said as she walked further in and kneeled down in front of Kol before asking, "What's wrong?"

"Just thinking is all."

"About?" she pushed.

"When I used to have magic." he finally answered.

"With or without magic, you are still as amazing as always."

He smiled at her before saying, "I just miss it."

"I know," they sat in silence for a while before Isabelle finally said, "Which is why I did a spell," Kol gave her a questioning look, "I'm hoping it worked. It's my first time doing it."

"What did you do?" At the question, Isabelle grabbed a pillow and ripped it open causing Kol's mouth to gape open, "What did you do that for?" he asked.

"I'm getting there," she started before sitting on the bed with the feathers from the pillow separating the two, "Do you remember when I first taught you how to do magic and we started with lifting up feathers?" she asked and he nodded, "Well we need to see if the spell worked, so do you remember how you did it?" he nodded again not being able to speak, "Well do you think you will be able to try and do it again?" she asked smiling. He was so shocked he didn't know what to do, he slowly nodded and tried to lift a feather. He looked at the feathers and focused on one lifting it in the air, a massive smile grew on his face as one finally did. He looked at Isabelle over joyed as he made them all lift into the air. He then pulled her into a long and passionate kiss and she smiled into it before kissing back.

When he pulled away he looked at her, the feathers still in the air and whispered, "Thank you."

"Your welcome," she whispered back, "Come on, we should go see the others." He nodded and then they left the room that was now surrounded in feathers, hands interlocked and smiles on both their faces. Isabelle smiled because the spell worked and Kol now had magic making him even more happy then before and Kol because he had an amazing girlfriend who helped him have magic without having to syphon it and he was still able to be a vampire.

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