Jesus's Teachings (According to the Synoptic Gospels)

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For those of you who don't know what the Synoptic Gospels are, they are the Books of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. The Book of John is different than the others and teaches different concepts, which is why I've separated it from the other three Gospels. I've tried my best to distill Jesus's teachings into general categories, but feel free to add your thoughts in the comments!

Two things, the Golden Rule and love for others, fulfill all the laws in the Bible.

This is something Christians tend to forget. Jesus was concerned with people getting to the root of the laws rather than only focusing on what they say externally. So, doing to others as you would want them to do to you (the Golden Rule), loving God, and loving others are the essence of what God is trying to teach us. Jesus told us this explicitly.

Relevant verses: Matthew 7:12, 22:34-40; Mark 12:28-34; and Luke 10:25-37

Love everyone, even your enemies. Do not fight fire with fire.

Jesus was a pacifist. He upturned the law of "eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth," instead preaching that we should love our enemies and turn the other cheek if someone slaps us. We are not to retaliate or fight hate with hate. Did Jesus fight back against the men who crucified him? No. He chose not to, even as they mocked him, beat him, spat on him, and nailed him to the cross. He practiced what he preached all the way to the grave.

Relevant verses: Matthew 5:38-48, 26:52-54; and Luke 6:27-38, 7:47, 22:49-51

Your intentions are more important than your outward actions, but on average, your actions reflect what's in your heart.

Jesus talked a lot about how evil intentions come from your heart. He said that it's not what goes into you that defiles you (e.g. foods Jews considered forbidden) but what comes out of you (gossip, bad actions, etc.). If you have a good heart, your actions and words will reflect that. If you have a bad heart or intentions, the same is true.

Relevant verses: Matthew 5:21-22, 5:27-30, 6:22-23, 7:15-23, 12:33-37, 15:10-11, 15:16-20; Mark 7:14-23; and Luke 11:33-36

Actions are important, so do good and serve others.

If someone talks a lot about how charity is a necessity, but they never give to others and are stingy with their money and possessions, what speaks louder: their actions or their words? Instead of saying that Christians are loving or charitable, Jesus preached that we need to show people who we are through our actions. The righteous will reach Heaven, not the evildoers.

Relevant verses: Matthew 5:17-20, 7:24-27, 10:40-42, 20:25-28, 23:8-11, 25:31-46; Mark 10:17-19, 10:42-45, 12:41-44; and Luke 6:37-38, 7:47, 10:30-37, 14:7-14, 18:18-20

Don't boast about your good works, and don't do them just to look good.

Jesus taught that those who do good just to look good get all the reward they will ever get on Earth. We are not to boast of our good deeds, but to keep it between us and God. Furthermore, Jesus warned against focusing on the minutiae of the external commandments so much that you neglect what is in your heart. If you follow the laws just to look righteous or get to Heaven, then you will be disappointed in the afterlife.

Relevant verses: Matthew 6:1-6, 6:16-18, 15:1-9; and Luke 18:9-14

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