Tell Me Again. . . Part 5

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Tell me again about how "you can't have morality without religion". . .  

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. . . even though less religious countries have been shown time and time again to have better social and moral development, on average . . .

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. . . less religious countries are much closer to true gender equality than any highly religious country, and the most religious countries are the least equal . . .

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. . . while most of humanity has moved past such barbaric practices as slavery, religious texts condone and even support enslaving other human beings . . .

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. . . atheists are just as moral, and often even more moral, than religious people . . .

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. . . countries that are more religious have lower IQs and average intelligence than countries that are more secular . . .

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. . . religious countries actually have higher rates of abortion than secular ones . . .

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. . . and truly moral people will do what is right even if a religious text isn't telling them what to do or a God isn't threatening them with eternal damnation . . .

. . . but sure. Following a religious text that condones slavery, death by stoning, genocide, self-righteousness, ignorance and faith over knowledge, forcing one's religious "morals" onto other people, homophobia, violence, and gender inequality TOTALLY makes religious people more moral than atheists and agnostics.

Thoughts of a Doubting Christian ✓Where stories live. Discover now