Why U.S. Breakup Culture Sucks

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If you've ever visited the US, then you're probably aware that US breakup culture is very distinct, with a flavor all its own. Unfortunately, so much of it promotes an unhealthy and toxic way of dealing with heartbreak. Here are just a few of its worst components:

Eating one's feelings away.

The last thing somebody should do after a heartbreak is gorge themselves on ice-cream, cake, junk food, and/or alcohol

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The last thing somebody should do after a heartbreak is gorge themselves on ice-cream, cake, junk food, and/or alcohol. It may be tempting, but don't do it! The best thing you can do is keep a semblance of order in your life right now. Your body and brain need it. Make sure that you get enough sleep, drink enough water, eat three meals a day, and get some exercise in, even if that means taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

It's tough, and you won't succeed every day, but do your best! Of course, this doesn't mean that you can't treat yourself. Go ahead and get a little bit of ice cream, or have a doughnut, or drink a sip of wine. But you will function better and be able to deal with your emotions in a healthier way if you take care of your body instead of stuffing it with junk.

Wallowing in misery.

Yes, you're going to be depressed for a while

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Yes, you're going to be depressed for a while. Yes, you're allowed to cry, and yes, it's a healthy part of moving on to grieve. All the emotions you're feeling are valid, and it would be unhealthy if you pushed them away. But wallowing is also unhealthy. If you hole yourself up in your room with the curtains closed, and only listen to sad songs, and spend hours watching rom-coms on Netflix that make you cry and long for your old relationship back, you aren't going to be able to move on.

Instead, set aside some time each day to get into your feels. Listen to a couple of sad songs, let yourself cry, and then put on some more upbeat music and work on something else. In putting aside time to grieve every day, you're allowing yourself to feel your emotions while not letting your grief swallow you whole. And don't push your friends away — they're here to help you, and they can't do that if you go into your room and never come back out again!

Blocking one's ex on everything.

Blocking one's ex on everything

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