For this chapter, I will try to list off as many identities as I can, but I know that I will miss some, because the queer community is always morphing, changing, and growing. I apologize in advance for any omissions or mistakes!
Agender: the absence of gender; a neutral gender that is neither male or female.
Ally: someone who supports and promotes equality for the LGBTQ+ community.
Androsexual: someone who is attracted to men, mostly used by non-binary people; see gynesexual.
Asexual: a person who lacks sexual attraction or desire for other people; see gray-asexual, demisexual.
Bisexual: a person who is emotionally, romantically, and/or sexually attracted to two (or more) gender identities, although not always to the same degree or at the same time; polysexual can also be used for someone attracted to multiple (but not all) genders.
Cisgender: a person whose gender identity agrees with the sex they were assigned at birth., i.e. male or female.
Demiromantic: a person who only develops romantic feelings for someone after establishing an emotional connection.
Demisexual: a person who only develops sexual feelings for someone after establishing a romantic connection; see asexual, gray-asexual.
FTM: a person who has made, is making, or will make the transition from female to male; see trans man, transgender.
Gay: a person who is exclusively attracted emotionally, romantically, and/or sexually to the same gender; a man who is exclusively attracted to other men; an umbrella term for the entire LGBTQ+ community.
Genderfluid: fluidity within one's gender identity.
Genderqueer: an umbrella term for anyone whose gender does not fall within the typical binary system of male and female, including but not limited to agender, genderfluid, and gender non-conforming; see non-binary.
Gender non-conforming: a person whose behavior or appearance does not conform to prevailing cultural and social expectations about what is appropriate for their gender.
Gray-asexual: someone who is in the gray area between asexuality and sexuality; includes people who: rarely or almost never experience sexual attraction, experience sexual attraction but have a very low sex drive, experience sexual attraction but have little to no desire to act upon it, or experience sexual desire under limited and extremely specific conditions; see asexual, demisexual.
Gynesexual: someone who is attracted to women, mostly used by non-binary people; see androsexual.
Intersex: a person who is born with reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn't fit the typical definitions of female or male, including ambiguous genitalia or mixed chromosomes.
Lesbian: a woman who is exclusively emotionally, romantically, and/or sexually attracted to other women.
MTF: a person who has made, is making, or will make the transition from male to female; see trans woman, transgender.
Non-binary: an umbrella term for anyone whose gender does not fall within the typical binary system of male and female; see genderqueer.
Pansexual: a person who can be emotionally, romantically, and/or sexually attracted to others regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation, although not always to the same degree or at the same time.
Queer: an umbrella term for members of the LGBTQ+ community; a derogatory slur that the community reclaimed as its own, so still offensive when used as an insult.
Questioning: a person who is in the process of figuring out their sexual identity and/or gender identity.
Skoliosexual: someone who is attracted to the full trans spectrum only (including non-binary people).
Transgender: an umbrella term for people whose gender identity is different than the sex they were assigned at birth, including but not limited to FTM, MTF, agender, non-binary, and genderqueer people.
Trans man: a man who was born as a woman; see transgender, FTM.
Trans woman: a woman who was born as a man; see transgender, MTF.
Think I might be missing some important terms? Let me know in the comments!
Edit 7/12/18: Thanks to Dragonrat703 for giving me some terms that I missed! :)
Thoughts of a Doubting Christian ✓
Non-Fiction{Book 2 in the Journey of Faith series} Meet the author behind "Christian and an Ally" in her second nonfiction work about sexuality, God, and more. Why am I doubting the religion that I grew up with and believed for most of my life? What are my tho...