The Boy Drama

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so it was lunch time and I went to go sit with drew and her friends. I sat with Adrianna, Jamie, Madeline, Victoria, Carissa, Kaelin, and kaylee. I sat down and drew said "guys this is Emily. she is new here". they all went around the table and said all of their names and I wondered how I would remember the names of so many girls. they started talking to me about if I liked the classes and all the teachers. I said " I like the teachers if they would make class fun". they all laughed and I was so happy that I was starting to make friends. then all of a sudden Jamie said "so have you seen any cute boys around school?". when she said that I could tell that all the other girls didn't want her talking about boys. I said to her "I actually have a boyfriend back at home and we have been doing good at this long distance relationship. let's just say I'm not looking for any prince to take me away on a horse." she then said "well I have a boyfriend". when she said that I could tell she was one of these girls who likes to talk about her boyfriend all the time. all I said to her was "what's his name?". she then dreamingly said "Hayes grier" and everyone around her rolled their eyes. I could tell this was going to be a fun lunch table.

later that night, after school, I got a text from my boyfriend. it said "we need to talk". I reply "about what?". he said "I don't think this long distance relationship is working out". "what do u mean?" I reply back. he then says "I think we should break up". I was devastated. I didn't know what I should say or do. all I could think is to say "k" so I did. he knew I was upset so he tried to call me. I immediately hung up because I wasn't in the mood to talk to him. the next morning I was still upset with Brian. I stumbled with all my books and getting them in my locker. this guy then came to help me collect all my books. he was actually kinda hot. he shot me a smile and I got so insecure I stuttered and tried to say "thanks. see you around" but it came out as gibberish. I hope to see him again.

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