Killing Me Softly

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After finishing the food that my dad brought me, I lay on my bed feeling bloated. I look down to my stomach.

God I feel so fat..

I suddenly don't feel tired anymore, wanting to be active out of nowhere.

I begin to get up from my bed, grabbing the dirty dishes off my nightstand and taking them to the kitchen. As I place them in the sink, I can see my father and Connor talking through the kitchen window.

I turn the fosset to warm water and grab some dish soap and a sponge.

As I'm cleaning the dishes, I look through the window again, and I see Connor looking at me.

I smile at him, and he smiles back.

It gives me a nice feeling inside..

I look back down to the sink and continue to clean the rest of my dishes.

After I'm done cleaning up, I walk over to the front door and open it. Both Connor and my dad turn to me.

"You feeling better?" My dad asks.

I smile, "Yeah.. Thanks for the food, by the way"

My dad gives me a smile as he lays back on the house wall.

"Shit," He jumps away from the wall. "I forgot to get something at the store!"

"God you scared the hell out of me..!" I catch my breath.

"Sorry sorry. It was just really important, dammit." My dad holds his face in his hands.

"How important?" I ask.

He sighs, "It was just something I really needed, okay? It's too late now anyway.."

"But Hank," Connor steps in. "It's only 6:00 PM-"

"It's just too fucking late, alright!" He cuts Connor off.

Connor steps back a bit.

"I'm sorry I just.. Drank a lot this morning. Still recovering." He looks down and sighs.

Ah. He can't get it because he's drunk..

"I could.. We could go get it?" I step forward.

My dad looks up to me, "Who's we?"

"Connor and I," I ball my hands into a fist. "If It's really that important, then we could get it for you."

"You do have your drivers license.." He strokes his chin.

"So it's a yes?" I say, being excited to drive his car again.

"Hey hey hey calm down I haven't even finished. You can use my car but don't get it damaged. I could give less of a fuck if you scratched it, but don't lose it or anything like that," He suddenly burps. "Fuck I need to sleep.."

"You get some water and go to your bed. Connor and I will be back soon."

"What did you need, Hank?" Connor asks.

"I uh need a.. Picture frame.. Average size." He says, looking dizzier than before.

"Alright," Connor walks up to me and grabs my hand. "We'll be back shortly."

I look down to Connor's hand and immediately start blushing.

What the HELL is he doing?!

He walks me down to the car, and opens the driver door for me. I head in and he closes the door and hops into the passenger seat from the other side of the car.

I put in my dad's keys and turn them to start the car. Hearing the engine roar somehow gives me nostalgia. I put the car in reverse and back out of the driveway. I quickly turn the car again and start driving in the streets.

I try to keep my eyes on the road, but I feel like Connor is staring at me. Again. We shortly come to a stop light, and I can finally turn to Connor who just so happens to be looking right at me.

"You got something to say?" I ask awkwardly.

"Hm? Oh no. I'm just scanning you." He sits up straight.

"Right," The light goes green and I step on the gas. "Do you mind if I play some music?"

"Of course not." He replies.

I smile, turning on the radio and switching to one of my favorite stations that play old 80's to mid 2000's music. I turn up the volume a bit, but not too much.

An old song, from the 90's, starts playing, 'Fugees: Killing Me Softly with His Song.'

I can't help but smile, remembering how much I adored this song when I first listened to it as a kid.

I can't help but hum along.

"I heard he sang a good song, I heard he had a style.."


I tightly grip my wheel.

"And so I came to see him, and listen for a while.."


I suddenly notice Connor turning up the volume a bit.

"And there he was, this young boy, a stranger to my eyes.."


I breathe in, feeling real good inside. Almost reliefed..

"Strumming my pain with his fingers, singing my life with his words.."


"Killing me softly with his song,
Killing me softly with his song,
Telling my whole life with his words,
Killing me softly,

With his song.."

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