What Is This Feeling

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I wake up, my knees feeling extremely weak like I just ran a marathon.

I turn my head a bit and see Connor sitting next to me as I hear police sirens in the background.

He has one hand over his mouth and is closing his eyes.

His LED is red again..

I slowly sit up from lying down and rub my head. Connor quickly moves his hand away from his face and opens his eyes, turning to me.

There are tears in his eyes..

"(y/n)," He yells as he throws his arms around me, gripping me tightly. "I thought I lost you!"

My head spins a bit, but it doesn't really do much to me.

"Why would you think that?" I ask.

"You weren't moving," He lets go of me and grabs my hands.
"And your pulse completely stopped.. I just thought.. I wouldn't be able to see you again."

I blink uncontrollably as I widen my eyes, lowering my head. "My pulse.. Stopped?"

I slip my hands away from Connors as I place my fingers around my neck.
There's a pulse now now but..

Was I dead..?

But there was..

Completely nothing.

No light.

Connor quickly grabs my chin with his two fingers and lifts my head up. He stares into my eyes.

"I'm just glad your okay." He says.

"And what about you," I grab his hand. "Did he hurt you?"

"A bit," He looks to the left and shows me his arm that has a ton of scratches and thirium leaking out of it. "But I can be fixed easily. You cannot."

"Well that isn't going to stop me from worrying about you." I sigh.

I look around the area and a ton of things are all over the floor like broken glass, thirium, some paint buckets that leak their colorful liquid, and a bunch of picture frames..

That's when it hits me.

"Where's the picture frame I picked out?" I get up from the ground and spin around trying to spot the object, but I see nothing.

"You mean this one?"

I turn to Connor and see him holding the picture frame I had in my hand before I was attacked.

I smile as I grab the frame. "Thank you."

"You dropped it as that man attacked you." Connor says, getting up from the floor.

"Yeah.. What happened to him?" I ask.

Connor turns his head to the source of the police sirens outside the store window. I look the same way and see the man being pushed into a police car. He looks pissed.

I don't know why, but I feel guilty.
But that sick bastard is getting what he deserves. He hurt Connor.

"We should head out. You're probably exhausted and hurt from this.." He says.

I nod my head and he grabs my hand..


And takes me to the entrance. He abruptly stops.

"Actually," He turns to me and picks me up bridal style like he did back when I fell on the floor in my room. "Carrying you should be better."

"You really don't have to do this, y'know." I giggle.

"I know," He lightly kicks open the store door. "But I want to."

He steps out of the store and walks around the police cars to get to ours. There were only two, so this whole thing wasn't a big deal.

We finally make it to the car, but he puts me in the passenger seat. I don't mind honestly.

He opens the drivers door, and sits down, but starts quickly looking around.

"Where are the keys?" He asks sounding panicked.

"They're in my pocket," I grab them out and hand them to him. "Here."

He takes them from my hand, making a lot of rattling sounds, and puts it in the ignition.

As he starts the car, the music from the radio begins to play. It's a different song that I'm not familiar with.

Connor backs up out of the parking lot and drives away onto the road, seeming to enjoy the song that is currently playing.

I sit up from my slouched position and look out the window. The car is speeding so fast I can barely focus on one thing.

"I hope Hank isn't upset with how long we're taking," He makes a turn. "It's almost 10:00 PM."

"How the hell were we gone that long?" I ask, turning to Connor.

"You got knocked out, remember?" He stops the car from a red light.

I sigh, wanting to apologize for having this whole thing happen. If I just didn't go out, then maybe Connor wouldn't be hurt.. Maybe that man wouldn't be in jail because of me..

Am I really feeling guilty about someone who harassed me?


I need a break.

"Connor..?" I ask.

He turns his eyes to me, "Yes?"

I put my hand on my head and close my eyes,

"I don't wanna go home right now.."

The red light turns green, but as soon as he begins to drive, he slowly turns the car and pulls over to the side of the road.

"Why not?" He asks.

"I just-" I inhale. "I just don't want to go home and do nothing. It's so lonely there and I-"

"Lonely?" Connor cuts me off.

The car suddenly goes silent for a second.

I turn my head, "Sometimes.."

"But what about your dad, and Sumo?" He asks.

"I don't know about Sumo," I close my eyes slowly. "But do you ever feel like you're annoying someone even though you haven't done anything?"

Connor grabs my shoulder, "You don't annoy him, (y/n)."

"It really feels like it." I say.

"What about me?" He asks.

I open my eyes and turn to him, "What?"

"I'm always at your house," He tilts his head. "You don't think you annoy me, right?"

I stay quiet and slowly turn my head away. If I told him the truth, I'm not sure how he'd take it.

"Look at me, (y/n)," He quickly grabs my cheeks with his fingers and turns my head.

He's so close to my face.

"Don't ever think you annoy me. Ever." He says.

I don't know what to say..

What do I do?

Suddenly, he slams his hand onto the window, trapping me in his view.

His LED switching between yellow and red.

He opens his mouth to inhale and exhale heavily.

"(y/n).." He whispers.

"Y-yes?" I stutter.

He places his hand onto my cheek, stroking it with his thumb.


With a voice I've never heard before, he asks,

"What is this feeling?"

You're Alive - Connor X Reader - A Detroit: Become Human FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now