42| Like The Clouds

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As we get through the dog days of summer the long hot days all come and go. After spending a few days staying away from the heat and doing nothing we decide to try and be a normal-ish family for once. To get out the house and not worry about hockey or Stanley cups or the impending season that was about to come up. So Duncan and I get up early to pack a picnic to take to the park and bring Mogali along with us. This way we can do some physical activity after sitting around all day every day and get some vitamin D.

So I make a bunch of food to put in the picnic basket Duncan had got from when he proposed not all that long ago. I fill it with sandwiches and fresh fruits and veggies and I sneak some unhealthy stuff in there too. Everyone needs a ding dong every once in a while. And Duncan can more than afford a few extra calories, he was like a work horse. After I fill the rest of the basket up with cold water to keep us hydrated, it was time to go.

"I got the dog" Tristan claims as he grabs Mogalis leash off the door. As soon as Mogali hears that she comes running into the door where Tristan had her leash.

"Baby that dog is nearly twice as big as you" I insist.

"I want to help" he pouts.

"Why don't you carry the blanket for us" I ask. "It's a very important task" I whisper.

"Okay" he cheers as he grabs the blanket off the table.

He heads to the door to wait as Duncan gets the leash from him and on to Mogali. I grab our food and other things we need and pack it all up. We head to the nearest park with the tallest slide we could find. Once we get there Tristan sets out the blanket before laying across it. He spreads his arms and legs out so he takes up as much space as he could and I laugh.

"Where are we supposed to sit" I ask him as I put my hands on my hips.

"Grass" he claims and I giggle. I easily pick him up as he starts to laugh. I sit down on the blanket and set him in my lap. He fits there perfectly as he looks up at me with the biggest smile this little kid could possibly have. I start to tickle him as his laughter gets harder and harder.

"Mommy stop" he begs and I stop. He smiles up at me and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Are you hungry" I ask and he nods his little head. He settled back down in my lap as I get him all situated. I pull him some food out and he watches as i set it out in front of us. I make sure Mogali doesn't take off with the food as I carefully hand it to Tristan. We all sit down and eat and relax for once.

"Can we play mommy" he Tristan asks after he ate about a bite out of everything I set out. I know he was hungry but he was more excited to play.

"Let's let our food settle first before we get all worked up" I insist.

"How do we do that" he asks.

"Let's lay down" I suggest and he nods.

I pull him out of my lap and lay him down. I lay next to him and Duncan lays on the other side. We all lay on our backs and look up at the clouds as they pass us by. I smile as I watch the clouds change at the same rate of my life at this point.

"They sure are pretty" Duncan admits.

"What are daddy" Tristan asks.

"The clouds" he tells him.

"Why are they pretty" Tristan wonders.

"Sometimes things just are, no reason, they just are" Duncan explains.

"Like jello" Tristan asks and we both kind of laugh.

"Yeah buddy. Like jello" he assure his son.

"Well I'm bored. Can we play now mommy" he begs.

"Yeah Tris, we can play."

We get up off the ground and head to the park. He jumps on the swing and I push him and then we go down the slide together. Tristan was a shy kid but was a lot more open when Duncan or I was with him. He's always really liked me and I always loved him. From the first night I met him and he gave me a kiss on my cheek I've been under this spell. He has the same eyes as his dad which is why I break so easily when either of them give me that look. Tristan is just a wonderful kid who just wants a motherly figure who loves him, and that's me.

After messing around we sit on the bench and watch as people come to the park Duncan plays fetch with Mogali which is good for the poor dog who lives in a apartment. But she's was still happy nonetheless.

"When do you marry daddy" he asks and I smile.

"Soon" I assure him.

"How soon" he wonders.

"A few months" I reply.

"That's too far away" he pouts and I laugh.

"I guess it depends on who you're asking" I say.

"Well you need to be married now" he claims.

"Why now" I wonder.

"So you can officially be my Mommy" he claims and I stop messing around to look down at him.

"You really want me to be your mom" I ask.

"Well yeah" he shrugs.

"Why" I question.

"Because I love you. You make me and daddy happy" he claims.

"Oh sweetie. You are guys most defiantly my happiness" I assure him.

"So you'll get married now" he asks and I laugh.

"No baby. Not yet. But I don't need to marry your father for me to be your mommy. I don't need another ring on my finger to remind me how much I love you and your father. You two mean the world to me. You will forever be my boys and nothing could ever change that. I will be whatever it is you guys need me to be. And if you want me to be you're forever mommy then I will do that" I promise.

"Good" he smiles.

He scoots over and gives me a hug. I hug him back before he runs off to play by himself.

"What was that" Duncan asks as he takes his spot.

"That was beautiful" I admit.

"Like the clouds" he teases and I turn to him and smile.

"Yeah Dunky, Like the clouds."

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