57| Always Him

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"Are you nervous" my mom asks me as I pack up my things. I was going to stay in a hotel room for tonight as I finish preparing for the wedding tomorrow.

Being a hockey player, Duncan was very superstitious. I mean he had his whole entire day of games on a schedule and he had to put on the right skate first and it was always yellow Gatorade. So the whole "no seeing the bride the night before the wedding" thing was in full force. I was being kicked out of the house but was still going to have a good time down town with my family.

"Kinda. But I'm not nervous that he's going to ditch the wedding or that the marriage won't work, but I'm scared that it's not going to turn out like he hoped. He worked so hard to get to this day in his life and I hope it's everything he dreamed it would be" I shrug.

"Sweetie, he doesn't care. As long as you're happy he's happy. That's how marriage works" she claims.

"I know. But this is a big moment in ours lives, I'm going to be nervous about this stuff" I promise.

"Yeah. I was pretty nervous when I married your dad too" she admits.

"You were also 19 and your parents didn't know you were getting married" I remind her and she laughs.

"Those are just tiny details" she claims and I roll my eyes.

"Did you come here to harass me" I ask her as I zip up my bag.

"No. Duncan wanted me to make sure you were out of the house before he got here" she admits and I roll my eyes.

"He is persistent, I'll give him that" I laugh.

"He wants this to turn out perfectly" she assures me.

"Well thanks for helping out. I appreciate it."

I go over to the hotel that Duncan has us set up at. I start to head down to the floor that my room was on but my mom stops at the end of the hall.

"Are you coming" I ask her.

"Nope. Duncan got you a special room. I'll need to go see if everyone is ready for dinner anyway" she claims.

"Oh, okay" I nod.

I walk down the hallway and up to the door with the number 222 on it. I roll my eyes because I know Duncan had something to do with that. But I let myself in and try to figure out what was happening. Once I find the lights I finally flip them on.

I look around and there was rose pedals everywhere. There was a dim light coming from my favorite scented candles everywhere. There was some flowers sitting on the table in a vase with a card sitting them next them and a bunch of my favorite candies laid out by the flowers. I go over to the couch and sit down. I pull out the card before reading it.

"Dear Alyssa,

When I was making this decision to spend our last night as a unmarried couple away from each other, I didn't take into consideration that I would have to sleep in our bed by myself. And now that I realize that I'll be home and you'll be here, I wish I wasn't so darn stubborn.

But there's no going back now, I already paid for the hotel and spent way too much time decorating this room. So I guess I'm stuck here thinking bout how in less than 24 hours we will be man and wife. And the time couldn't go by faster. I can't wait to be married to you, to start our family together. But for now all I can do is wait.

So here's my send off gift, for by the next time I see you you'll be walking down the isle well on your way to being Mrs. Alyssa Keith. Enjoy the nice rose pedals and the bed all to yourself. No drinking and don't do anything I would do.

I love you so much Alyssa. See you soon.


I smile big as I put the notecard back where I found it. I look over to the bed and see that the rose pedals were organized into the words "Love You Long Time" on it. There was a little black box sitting at the end of the bed and I sit down next to it. I pick it up and let curiosity get the best of me as I open it up.

Inside was a bracelet a lot like what I got my bridesmaids. But mine was a silver like in our wedding and said "Alyssa Marie Keith" on it. I smile big as I take it out to get a better look at it. I pull it on and smile at how great it fit. It was so pretty, I was such a lucky woman.

I end up taking a bunch of pictures before cleaning up because I was still supposed to sleep in this bed tonight. I change into a pair of jeans and my favorite coat before going down the hallway where my family was staying. I knock on the door and they quickly answer me. We meet my friends downtown at a nice restaurant for a pre-wedding meal.

"Oh he gave it to you" Rebecca asks as she grabs my wrist. She looks at the bracelet and smiles.

"Yeah. He left it in my hotel room" I explain.

"He kept asking me where you got mine from so he could get you one" she tells me.

"He's not too bad" I smirk and she laughs.

"Yeah. As much as I hate to admit it, he's not all that bad. I mean he has you so he's doing something right" she shrugs.

"Well I think he's wonderful. I am so beyond lucky that I ended up with him. For the longest time I couldn't imagine marrying anyone else. Then for a while I didn't think I could ever look at him again. But then, like every timeline Duncan and I will ever create, it will always end this way. With his last name next to my first" I admit.

"I'm happy you feel that way, because you had me worried for a while" she insists.

"I couldn't live without you" I tease and she playfully shoves my shoulder.

"I'm serious Lyss, I thought we lost you" she laughs.

"I was never lost. I was always where I needed to be. I've always been on a path that led to marrying Duncan. No matter how hard I tried to deny it and no matter how many times I told myself that I didn't want him anymore. I always wanted him. It was always him" I insist.

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