17| Shooting Star

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Michael went home to be with his family for Christmas and I decide to stay here in Chicago. His family wasn't exactly head over heels in love with me like Michael was. He didn't fight me when I said I wasn't going to fly out to New York because he knows that his family doesn't like what I do or the fact that I don't make money from other people. Or basically the fact that I'm not like them. But I sure as hell wouldn't be caught dead doing what Michael does.

So instead I stay home and offer for my family to come out for Christmas. My place was decent and I know my brother will spend all his time with my dad in the living room and my sister will come and raid my closet like she always does. We were a close family who talked almost every day, but we didn't see each other all that much so it would be nice to see them again.

I try to have Duncan and Tristan to come too but he's convinced my family hates him. But just like me they find that's hard to do. Although things got tough in the middle, they still missed him like crazy and were excited to hear I had been talking to him again.

"You have to come. My parents already got Tristan a Christmas gift" I bribe Duncan.

"Your brother is going to punch me in my face" he insists.

"My brother said he wasn't coming into town if you weren't going to be here" I laugh.

"Yeah... so he can punch me in the face" he claims.

"If he punches you I give you permission to punch him back" I insist. "Pleasssse" I beg.

"Ugh that's not even fair. I can't see you right now and I'm still breaking" he sighs on the other side of the phone.

"Be here in a hour" I smile.

"Fine" he mumbles.

"You're the best" I say.

"Only for you."

I get changed into my Christmas outfit and put the rest of the dinner in the oven to stay warm. Eventually Duncan and Tristan come over and I pick up the little man.

"I've missed you" I admit as he smirks at me. I haven't seen him much since our Disney trip which was really unfortunate. But he looked like he grew a little since then.

"Miss you too" he says with a great big smile.

I kiss him on his cheek before setting him down. He runs off with Mogali and I turn back around. Duncan has moved right in front of me and I could smell his cologne surround me. I inhale deeply as the smell of him and Christmas dance around in my head. I look up into his eyes and I could feel myself breaking.

"Merry Christmas Alyssa" he says and I smile.

"Merry Christmas Duncan" I say softly. My voice very much letting me down.

"Where should I put the gifts" he asks.

"I can take you to the tree" I insist.

We walk over and I help him get the gifts out of the away. He already gave Tristan his so I'm not sure what all of this stuff was, but I'm sure I'll figure it out sooner or later.

At about 2 my family knocks on the door and I answer it. I take their coats and welcome them in before stoping them.

"Okay. Here are some ground rules. One, no being mean to Duncan. I know there's some mixed feeling about him but he's different now. He's still the guy I fell in love with but he's learned from his mistakes. He's really hard on himself about what happened and he doesn't need any shit from you guys.

Two is to not scare his kid. He's the cutest thing ever but isn't good with new people. Let him warm up to you then I promise you won't get him to leave you alone.

And last but not least, for the love of god, do not embarrass me" I beg.

"Those are like the three main reasons I came here for" my brother Shawn teases and I roll my eyes.

"Why must you make my life hell" I ask.

"I'm your brother. It's what I do" he shrugs.

We walk in and find Duncan and Tristan on the floor playing with Mogali. They all stop once they realize there was four new people in the room.

Duncan stands up and he looks around waiting for something bad to happen. The next second Shawn runs over to him and pulls him into a big hug. I smile at the sight as my sister just laughs beside me.

"The whole way here Shawn insisted he was going to be tough and not let the fact that Duncan used to be his best friend waiver him and it took all but four seconds for him to break" she giggles.

"Are you really surprised" I tease.

"Not really. I'm just surprised he lasted that long" she admits.

We eventually go over and join them and reintroduce everyone. My sister had a little family of her own now but that's all that's changed since 2010. So Duncan meets my sisters husband and their little 1 year old and it was like we never skipped a beat.

I know my dad didn't like what Duncan did but he did like him as a person. It was a sticky situation but as soon as Tristan warmed up to everyone none of that shit mattered anymore. It was a thing of the past and we were headed towards the future.

"Here" Duncan says as he hands me a box.

"We're not opening presents yet" I say trying to hand it back to him.

"I know. But I want you to open it now" he claims. "I used to make you open one of my presents on Christmas Eve and since I couldn't do that I figured now would work" he claims.

I look at the box and I could tell he tried to wrap it himself. It wasn't perfect but it was pretty cute. I reluctantly take off the wrapping paper before opening the box. I see a necklace in there and let out a small gasp. I pick it up and stare at the thing the bottom.

It was a necklace I always wanted when I was younger. When I was such a dreamer. It was a shooting star necklace with a small diamond on one end then increasingly bigger ones until it stopped on the other end.

Back when times were simple Duncan and I used to run away

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Back when times were simple Duncan and I used to run away. I guess it's not really running away, but at least once a week we would go somewhere far away and sit on top of his car. We would look at the stars and admire them for a far. He used to always say...

"You're the first thing I think of when someone says make a wish."

I look up to him with tears in my eyes. This was probably the most meaningful thing I have ever gotten in my life.

"Duncan... this is beautiful. But I can't take this" I insist. I know it had to be so expensive. That's why I never bought one for myself.

"There's not a person in this world who deserves to wear that necklace more than you. You used to be my little dreamer. You never missed a shooting star those nights that we were cuddled up on the hood of my car. You yourself are as magnificent and stunning as that necklace. You should wear it" he claims.

I just smile up at him because I couldn't find find the words right now. Instead he takes the necklace out of my hand and puts it on for me. I see it rest over my heart and couldn't help but get choked up. That scary type of love I mean when I talk about Duncan. This was it. Because right now I known that he would do anything for me... and I would do the same for him.

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