50| Can You Believe?

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I go to the doctors office with Alyssa for her three month check up. She was starting to show a little, but unless you knew she was pregnant you would have never known that she was.

As we sit there doctor goes over the usuall things of what to watch for this stage in her pregnancy like leg cramps and heart burn. She was nearing the end of her first trimester and going into the second. And the second trimester is the easiest which is good for us considering that she was about to get married and didn't want any complications with the wedding or her pregnancy.

After talking for a while she lays down on the table and pulls her shirt up. The doctor begins the sonogram and quickly finds our little baby in there. The heartbeat blared through the machine as you can see a little baby forming in Alyssa's tummy. It didn't look like all that much but I could tell it was our little baby and that's all that mattered. I smile as big as I ever have as I look to the monitor. I didn't get to do this stuff with Melissa because she hated me when she found out that just because we were having a baby together didn't mean we were going to be together. So she did most of this stuff on her own and only talked to me when she needed money, which was always.

But now I got to hear my babies heart beat as it grows into this beautiful little life form. It was kind of creepy to think about but still beautiful nonetheless. I try my best to keep myself together but sometimes my best isn't good enough.

"How did you guys want to find out the gender of the baby" the doctor wonders as he starts to clean Alyssa up from the gel that he used for the sonogram.

"I'm not sure" Alyssa admits. "We haven't really talked about it" she says turning to me.

"I have an idea" I admit.

"Okay, what is it" she wonders.

"We can do a gender reveal at our wedding" I say and she smiles brightly.

"That would be so cool" she admits. "Have little party poppers with colored confetti in it the color of the gender. They can pop it right after we get married" she explains and I smile big.

"That's perfect" I insist.

"Alright, so here's what I'll do. Once I'm able to figure out the gender I'll send the information out to whoever it is you decide who it is to put together the gender reveal" the doctor explains and we both nod.

"That sounds great. Thank you so much" Alyssa smiles.

"Of course" the doctor smiles. "And congratulations to the both of you."

Alyssa and I pack up our stuff before leaving the hospital. We drive to the apartment to find Mogali asleep in her bed. Tristan was with his mom for a little giving us time to get our shit together. We had started packing up a few things into some small boxes but haven't put away anything we needed just yet. We weren't going to move until the dust settled in our lives after it had been pretty crazy with the news of the baby and planning the wedding. It wouldn't be too bad since the wedding was pretty much figured out. But once Alyssa hits the second trimester it's smooth sailing from there.

Once we get home from the hospital she kicks off her shoes and flops on the couch. Her hair flies everywhere as she blows it out of her face.

"Ugh, carrying a baby is exhausting" she mumbles.

"I'll have to take your word for it" I admit.

"Can you get me a glass of water" she asks.

"Of course" I assure her.

"And some pickles" she adds on and I laugh. She sure does love those things.

"Coming right up" I smile.

I go into the kitchen and gather up her things. I make sure her water is ice cold because that's the way she liked it. I bring it all out to her before sitting next to her on the couch. I pull her into my lap as she softly cups my cheeks with her hands. They were so cold but felt good against my warm skin.

"Can you believe this" she asks.

"Believe what" I question.

"All of this. I mean this time last year I was denying the fact that we being together and now we're about to move into a new house to start our family. Can you believe it" she asks again.

"No, I can't" I admit. "You never really seemed real to me. You were always something that was too good to be real. It's like you're someone my mind made up to make me happy. To keep my head on straight and talk me through stuff. You're like everything I ever wanted and needed and that's why I can't believe that I'm here with you making our future together" I explain.

"Well I'm real, and I'm going to be by your side forever. Through thick and thin, for better or for worse" she smiles.

"Do you want to watch a movie" I offer.

"Can that movie be Hercules" she asks and I laugh.

"It can be anything your little heart desires" I assure her.

"So Hercules" she says and I smile.

"Hercules it is."

We get the movie started and she sips on her water and munches on her pickles. She sings along to all the songs with that beautiful voice of hers and like always I enjoy listening. I always thought she would make a great singer but she hated the attention. But she's what this world needs, she worked wonders for me, I can only imagine what she could do for everyone else.

I hold her close to my heart and make it so I can never let her go. About halfway through the movie I realized she stoped reciting the movie and looks down. I see she had fallen asleep with a little smile on her face. It was about time for my pregame nap anyway so I lay down and pull her with me. I grab a blanket and wrap it around us. I softly place my hand on her little baby bump and I smile big. I rub her stomach as her sleepy smile pulls tighter. I lightly kiss her forehead before closing my eyes. I drift off into a slumber, still struggling to believe that this is my life.

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